That is a great article. very useful information on the light trick. its like candling the eggs. thank you. and yes, i had ordered brevs. but LLL called me back and told me they only had temporalis in stock. i will try the light trick today, hopefully i can see if there are eggs.
My first female pygmy passed away a few days ago. I had ordered a 1.1 pair a few days before her passing when she was still in good health. I received my order from LLL reptiles 15 minutes ago. Inside the box i found 2 plastic containers labeled male and female. It seems they got them sexed...
Thank you for your kind words. I thought I had done everything possible to provide proper husbandry, which is why I decided i needed to find the reason for her death. It helps a ton to know these kinds of things for future use.
thank you, usually how many of these follicles are formed? if these were not fully developed, i would assume having so many inside is what caused the problem.
My female bearded pygmy passed away today :( when still living, half her body had started to turn white. ferretinmyshoes told me she had either pinched a nerve or that she was eggbound. She was housed alone for many months so i didnt think she had eggs. I decided i needed to learn something from...
Great looking group you got there! May i ask where you ordered them from? I put in my order today for a pair from LLL and cant wait for them to come. I was told i will be getting a 1.1 pair. Hopefully i do get a male. im still jelous of your pygmy group
I am preparred for the worse. thank you all so much. ferretinmy shoes, you have always been such a big help and it is always greatly appreciated. she did not look gravid at all, but she does have dirt to dig in if she needed to. Would minimizing her branches be of any help? I would assume not...
Thank you for your input, i noticed the coloration by her legs aswell. ive made sure the cricket i put in are the smallest of the bunch but it can always be a possibility. i really hope she gets better. it hurts me to see her struggling like this
hameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - The species, sex, and age of your chameleon. How long has it been in your care?* female brev of unknown age. been in my care 1 month
Handling - How often do you handle your chameleon?*only when putting her in her home
Feeding - What are you feeding your cham? What...
This morning I woke up and found my little girl supporting herself using only her front legs. I thought she was just climbing around getting ready to hunt her food down. I came back from work to see her still only using her front feet. She has moved around her home but just dangles her back legs...
.Great colors on your chameleons. so beautiful.I suggest to Look for an app called "pudding". It gives you alot of different camera options including fish eye, and multi motion shots. great app if you ask me. galaxy phones have had panorama, and even have macro. personally i think iphones need...
Have always wondered this also. the container i biy them in says keep refridgerated. i personally dont and always end up with beetles in my container. ive put them in the fridge and it just slows them down along with the morphing process. hope some one can break this down a little further for us
Thanks! That was my thought aswell about the size. i read that r. brevs grew about 2-3" but this little girl is tiny. heres another picture of her on the tip of my finger
The store is called "medusas LA". Its on pico and bundy in santa monica. it was the only one they had. i asked if they were going to have more but the owner said he didnt think so. im sure if he had more people call and ask he would try to get more in. he didnt know much and even said it was a...
I ran across it at an exotic reptile store here in los angeles. im on the hunt for a male now but it is hard finding them without having to pay for shipping. i hope you find some if your on the hunt for them.
Just wanted to share a few pictures. picked up a female pygmy yesterday. Used a fish eye lens on my phone. the green thing the pygmy is by is a spray can tiip. also had to throw in a picture of one of my d. azureus poison dart.
Thank you! So happy I can rely on this website for help. thank you for the caresheet ferret. i am excited to go and pick her up soon. The kid who worked there threw some crickets in, and this little girl went to town on them. it just blows my mind how tiny these little creatures are...
I have seen this little cham at my local shop out here in los angeles. The owner has let me put a deposit on what i assume is a her. just wondering what kind of pygmy this is. she will be my first pygmy and want to find a proper caresheet so I am able provide the proper husbandry for it. hope...