Thank y'all so much! I hope I get get this little guy back in health. Ordering the lights tonight. And was wanting to Order some thermometers and humidity gauge. What brand should I go with?
I know I need a basking bulb which I have it's a 25 watt
And I need a UVB bulb I have seen some that have 5 and tens what make which one better?
I have also read some where is I have live plant in his cage to put plants lights?
Is it better to use tube light or reg bulb lights?
Grrr so I set up my light this morning and it doesn't work. And the pet store is closed today so I can't return it..... :/ I'm really disappointed in our store....
Sounds good. :] do you know of a good care sheet for a Jackson I have read a few different ones but not sure which one is the best. As for gut loading is there anything you shouldn't use?
Yeah i cant wait to set it up when it gets here. So what size cage should i put him in? i know Camimom said that he looks to be close to a yr old but he is just so small looking so I'm not sure if I should put paschal ( i let my niece name him lol :] ) in an adult size cage
I have seen him drink once off the leaves since I have got him home And seen one missing cricket. It's been two days and he has now finally pooped. And the cricket was not digested very well.I have put him is the shower on some fake vines yesterday and today for about 15 mins each. I had also...
No not all the time I have noticed when I held him some that he will close his eyes. I have been trying to keep him been hold limited till he is better health so he won't stress as much... But when he is in his tank(soon to be cage) he keeps his eyes open unless its in the evening. Which reminds...
So I saved this little guy from our local pet shop in town. They don't normally carry chameleons. They had him in a ten gallon tank and had pellets that crumbled when wet. Wasn't misting him and was just feeding him vegetables. I'm getting him a cage today and going to be ordering him some...