How old is my Jackson?


New Member
So I saved this little guy from our local pet shop in town. They don't normally carry chameleons. They had him in a ten gallon tank and had pellets that crumbled when wet. Wasn't misting him and was just feeding him vegetables. I'm getting him a cage today and going to be ordering him some feeder insects. What sizes should I get for him? And my aunt is gonna see about getting me a misting system as an early Christmas gift. I have read a lot of stuff already but any advice would be appreciated :]
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he looks to be close to ayear old.

does he always keep his eyes closed like that?

alsom he seems a bit on the skinny side, but some nice fat bugs and regular feedings should help.

as hes an adult, he can eat all adult bugs, though the recommended sizing is no bigger than the space between the eyes.

also, jacksons are known for liking smaller feeder bugs.

im not surprised hes skinny if hes only gotten veggies, since jacksons dont really eat veggies.
So I saved this little guy from our local pet shop in town. They don't normally carry chameleons. They had him in a ten gallon tank and had pellets that crumbled when wet. Wasn't misting him and was just feeding him vegetables. I'm getting him a cage today and going to be ordering him some feeder insects. What sizes should I get for him? And my aunt is gonna see about getting me a misting system as an early Christmas gift. I have read a lot of stuff already but any advice would be appreciated :]

Wow, we've all agonized over the ignorant ways pet shops treat their chams, but only feeding one VEGGIES is by far the worst and I would definitely do something about it. At the very least send the shop a letter (and send a copy to the local agency that inspects pet shops) describing just what they have done to this poor animal despite all the decent care information available after a mere 10 minutes at the keyboard. The most basic lizard 101 would have told them they are insect predators! Even if they claim they took him in from clueless customers they still should know that it is their responsibility to learn proper care. What did they think the whole shooting tongue was all about anyway? Capture fleeing fruit?

This little guy is probably very depleted so don't be surprised if he takes a long time and lots of attention to survive. The first thing you need to do is hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. At this point even if he does try to eat he may not be able to digest food. You can spray, shower, or offer him warm water with some Pedialyte to give him some electrolytes and glucose to keep him going until he can start eating.
does he always keep his eyes closed like that?.

No not all the time I have noticed when I held him some that he will close his eyes. I have been trying to keep him been hold limited till he is better health so he won't stress as much... But when he is in his tank(soon to be cage) he keeps his eyes open unless its in the evening. Which reminds me how long should I keep his lights on?What time should I turn them on and off?
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This little guy is probably very depleted so don't be surprised if he takes a long time and lots of attention to survive. The first thing you need to do is hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. At this point even if he does try to eat he may not be able to digest food. You can spray, shower, or offer him warm water with some Pedialyte to give him some electrolytes and glucose to keep him going until he can start eating.

I have seen him drink once off the leaves since I have got him home And seen one missing cricket. It's been two days and he has now finally pooped. And the cricket was not digested very well.I have put him is the shower on some fake vines yesterday and today for about 15 mins each. I had also read somewhere about the pedialyte but I was wanting to make sure it was really ok to do that before I done it. The source I got that from said to soak him in it tho? Also I'm keeping water dipping in his tank by a styrofoam cup with a small hole punched in the bottom of it.
Yeah i cant wait to set it up when it gets here. So what size cage should i put him in? i know Camimom said that he looks to be close to a yr old but he is just so small looking so I'm not sure if I should put paschal ( i let my niece name him lol :] ) in an adult size cage
I know I'm gonna eventually need one so ill probably still het one and just section it off if the adult size is to big for him still
you can just go ahead and put him in an adult cage, and then you cup feed him to make sure he eats.

as for age, they grow super slow when compared to other chams, especially panthers and veileds.
Sounds good. :] do you know of a good care sheet for a Jackson I have read a few different ones but not sure which one is the best. As for gut loading is there anything you shouldn't use?


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You should put him in his adult cage now. I started my Jacksin's out in an 18x18x36 cage and he is now in a 4ft tall cage.

Here is a great care sheet.

You should go to Sandrachameleon's blogs, she has tons of information on gutloading and what items are good and bad. I generally gut load with oranges, dandelion greens, carrots, butternut squash, sunflower seeds, etc.

I also alterante between dino fuel and Rephasy's super load as a dry item to sprinkle on top of the veggies. I use the same mix for crickets and roaches. I also gut load my hornworms with dandelion greens and carrots.

My jacksons loves all types of insects and eats dubia roaches, crickets, hornworms, silk worms, butter worms, and mantids.
You are fortunate in that the weather in your area will be in the 70s for the next few days. If you have a nice fairly large pesticide free plant and don't mind sitting outdoors with him, your cham can enjoy a bit of natural sunlight.
Just be sure he is misted enough to stay well hydrated, especially while outdoors.
Whatever you do, don't leave him unattended even for a minute. Chams can and do wander away, get stepped on or get eaten by birds if you are not watching carefully.
He looks like he may be a little younger than a year old.
I believe that the RZilla 25 UVB output is in the right range for a chameleon.
The mistking system is a really good one--your aunt is very kind!
Just be sure things dry out a bit between mistings and don't mist when the lights are out because too much water sitting in the cage, especially overnight, makes for an unhealthy environment.
Here is a link to Sandrachameleon's blog on feeding your feeder insects so they give your cham the most nutrition possible:
A nice adult size cage will be good for him.
My Jackson's are in 24"x24"x60" cages--they like to wander throughout the cage and will search for insects.
Pay attention to Hoj's advice on Jackson's care in the blog that Pigglett79 added a link for, to give your cham a healthy environment and diet.
Always feel free to ask questions and you can always use the search feature of the forum to look for answers, too.
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Forgot to say that although jackson's need plenty of water, they can be a little difficult to get to drink.
The solution is longer mistings which seem to remind them that they need to drink.:)
A clean spray bottle that has never been used for anything besides water is a good mister until your mistking system arrives.
Grrr so I set up my light this morning and it doesn't work. And the pet store is closed today so I can't return it..... :/ I'm really disappointed in our store....
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