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  1. Eelinaa

    Both eyes closed

    Thank you both so much for your help! I will try all your suggestions! I hope he gets better :)
  2. Eelinaa

    Both eyes closed

    I was away for a whole month:/ and I can see that there is crust on his eyes which is why they are shut. They're not swollen though. I saw somewhere that you can give them fish oil? Is that true? Thank you for your help! :)
  3. Eelinaa

    Both eyes closed

    While I was in Japan I left my chameleon for my dad to take care of. When I got back both of his eyes were closed shut. My dad said he did not dust any crickets with vitamins when he fed him. I assume that is why they are shut. I've been able to feed him fine by gently opening his mouth. It had...
  4. Eelinaa

    forest moss?

    There is forest moss growing in my backyard. Is it safe to put some in my chams cage? Can I put it on the walls of my cage?
  5. Eelinaa

    What do I use on the bottom of my veiled chameleon cage?

    If you keep the bottom of the cage bare how do i keep all the water from the mist off the floor? thanks!
  6. Eelinaa

    Chameleon eye problem

    thankyou so much for your help!:) im thinking about purchasing a automatic mister since it will be easier to keep the humidity high:D
  7. Eelinaa

    Chameleon eye problem

    I gave him some butter worms today and he seemed to like them!:D his urate is yellow and white.... i assume thats a bad thing?:eek: his one eye seems to be a little clearer, ive been using saline on them. :)
  8. Eelinaa

    Chameleon eye problem

    I tried doing that but i feel like he hates it:( he keeps trying to move around and wont stay in one spot! aha
  9. Eelinaa

    Chameleon eye problem

    Theres some white sticky stuff on his eyes as well..
  10. Eelinaa

    Chameleon eye problem

    here are the pics
  11. Eelinaa

    Chameleon eye problem

    Thank you so much for the info! his cage is not glass so the sunlight is getting directly to him. Should i put worms in a cup when i feed them to him? Here are some close up pics of his eye.
  12. Eelinaa

    Chameleon eye problem

    Your Chameleon - VEiled cam, male, 6.5 monthes. in my care for 2 weeks. Handling - at least 5 times a week Feeding - 12 1/2 inch crickets in the morning. I let the crickets eat potatoes, carrots, and lettuce the night before for gut loading. Supplements - twice a week. Repashy superfoods...
  13. Eelinaa

    Chameleon eye problem

    After the second or third day i got my chameleon his left eye started to get wrinkley and was a little sunken in. I spray his eyes with water so he can clean them out but it hasnt been helping. I use reptisun 5.0 for his uvb and a day time bulb my zoomed. His lights are on and off for 12 hours...
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