Both eyes closed


New Member
While I was in Japan I left my chameleon for my dad to take care of. When I got back both of his eyes were closed shut. My dad said he did not dust any crickets with vitamins when he fed him. I assume that is why they are shut. I've been able to feed him fine by gently opening his mouth. It had been a week. I've been dusting all the crickets and he is drinking plenty of water. I've also been putting saline solution in his eyes. They are not getting any better. Please help!! :(
How long were you away?
His eyes may be crusted shut from infection, an infection may be making it painful to keep his eyes open or perhaps they're swollen shut from vitamin A deficiency.
After saline eye rinses for a week (and who knows how long ago the problem began), I would take him to a good vet, so he doesn't incur irreversible eye damage which can occur from infection and/or prolonged vitamin a deficiency.

You can attempt to treat the vitamin A deficiency yourself if you prefer, but the vet can give an injection of vitamin A and assess whether there is also an infection or anything else wrong with him.

Post #6 here has the specifics but be aware that overdosing vitamin a can cause serious harm
I was away for a whole month:/ and I can see that there is crust on his eyes which is why they are shut. They're not swollen though. I saw somewhere that you can give them fish oil? Is that true? Thank you for your help! :)
Good morning Eeelinaa.
You must be very careful not to overdose him with vitamin A. Too much does irreversible internal organ damage.
The exact instructions are in this link, post #6.
I know that fish oil contains vitamin A but it's also high in vitamin D.
I would get generic Vitamin A gel capsules instead.
You can probably help him to open his eyes by misting him with warm water and then very gently using a warm water wetted Q-Tip to remove the crust.
If his eyes have never opened, then the saline has just been rinsing the outside of his eyelids.
Since he had a month without supplements, I'd buy some high calcium, nutrient loaded feeders like Phoenix Worms and Silkworms for him.
I agree with the above mentioned misting session. A shower or long misting with warm water has helped my chameleon's eye open right up in the past when it has been crusted over (he has a chronic eye problem). This is also much less invasive than the saline flush so I always start with this. You may also want to do a saline flush once the eyes are opened. Make sure you use a firm stream of saline. If the eye turret does not inflate, the saline is not getting into the eye enough to flush it. The turret will deflate quickly after the flush.

These are things you can do in the interim, but in your situation I'd go to the vet ASAP! Both eyes closed is very serious since chams need their eyes to catch their food. Infections can permanently damage their eyes (I've seen firsthand). I'm sorry you find yourself in this situation. Hoping for the best outcome for you and your cham!
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