Got it from pet smart. Not sure on age, I was thinking 4/5 months old. I think that being from pet smart probably has something to do with the aggression
Well guys I have had my veiled Cham for about a month now and this whole time I was thinking it was a male. Went to a local pet store today just looking around and saw a veiled with the big bumps on the back feet. Well I thought mine had them but after seeing the other one today I'm pretty sure...
I'll try to get one, He is still really sketchy around me. I'm just letting him get settled in. Every time I put my hand in or feed him her goes running. Hopefully will calm with age.
Got my Chameleon a week ago from pet-smart. I know that people frown upon getting them at big name stores but my wife just could not wait. Well we called and they said it was a male. I told a pic of him sleeping and wanted to see if anyone could tell if it is actually a male.
Should I quit using the gel stuff? I need to put some kind if soil in the bottom and start gut loading more. Just got the Cham on Tuesday so still learning
Got them in a little cage with the egg crates and give them the flunkers calcium water gel. I also put some slices of carrot in there with them. Am I giving them to much of the gel or are they just crapy crickets.
I am now thinking about a dripper but not sure if I need it. He drinks pretty good off of the leaves when the mister goes off every three hours. I am misting 4 times a day, paco is on a 12 on 12 off schedule already. I caught him dosing off like fifteen mins before the lights went off.
My wife got the tree and I just checked out the site. It says that they use zero pesticides and 100% organic soil. The big thing I have to do now is just clean the huge dumps off of the leaves. wow suprised me when I first saw it :)
didn't realize that i needed to clean the plant off, we got it from tiki tiki retiles so I thought they wouldn't put that stuff on it or in the soil because it was from a reptile shop. As for the substrate I kind of have to talk to my wife about that one, she really likes the look of it. but...
I have read that.
I am using eco earth coconut fiber substrate. Also the ficus tree is planted in 100% organic soil. It is more like a soil than a bark. Is this better or about the same as the bark?
Thanks for the info. I got some tongs the other night and have tried that but he just moves away, he has no problem eating. I put about 10 crickets in there this morning, came home for lunch and saw one left.
Here are some pics of Paco and his home...
getting anxious to hold him and I try to put my hand in slow and let him craw onto my finger but he turns some pretty crazy colors, starts hissing and trying to bite. Should I just give him some time to calm down or am I going to have a cham that just doesn't like to be bothered? I know they...