Trying to make sure I have a male...


New Member
Got my Chameleon a week ago from pet-smart. I know that people frown upon getting them at big name stores but my wife just could not wait. Well we called and they said it was a male. I told a pic of him sleeping and wanted to see if anyone could tell if it is actually a male.


  • DSCN4397.jpg
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Can you get a pic of his back feet? If he's male, he'll have lil spurs on the back of his hind feet. Look like lil nubs...
If you can get pictures of the back of his back feet, it will be easier to tell gender.
Males will have tarsal spurs, they look like little bumps or pimple on the back ofthe back feet.
Are those bumps like right in the middle of this back foot? I can see what looks like " a pimple " in the middle of his back feet.
Are those bumps like right in the middle of this back foot? I can see what looks like " a pimple " in the middle of his back feet.

Then it sounds like you got yourself a male! Congrats! If you can post a pic, we'll confirm... :)
I'll try to get one, He is still really sketchy around me. I'm just letting him get settled in. Every time I put my hand in or feed him her goes running. Hopefully will calm with age.
I'll try to get one, He is still really sketchy around me. I'm just letting him get settled in. Every time I put my hand in or feed him her goes running. Hopefully will calm with age.

Great idea! Whenever you get the opportunity...
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