Thanks guys....I know about the whole "threat thing". I won't handle a lot anyways, just when I'm cleaning the cage,etc. Thanks you all so much for your help.
I'm going to be getting a baby male vieled sometime soon(once i do a little bit more research lol) and I was wondering, are vieleds mean???On here I have saw some people talk about the biting and stuff like that.Will they tolerate being handeled alright?
Thanks you guys... I'm probably going to get a baby veiled soon, so I'm going to be asking a lot of questions(if you all dont mind). I'm going to get a male because I've heard they're better than females starting out?Do you all know of any care-sheets for baby chameleons??Or are they...
Hey everyone! I'm new to the world of chameleons but not to the world of herps! I am currentley keeping leopard geckos and various frog species but want to get started in chameleons. They're so cute! What kind would you reccomend to a begginer Cham keeper? Also, what kindof cham is on the...