That spot is her basking spot...she usually goes there to eat. I do not have the red light going anymore. I feel like since I turned off lights at night and added in a spot for egg laying she has progressively got worse. She did not have any mouth problems until recently and each day it...
Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - Veiled, I believe female as no spur on back feet, have had her for 2 months. Not sure of age-bought at pet store
Handling - Never, unless cleaning cage
Feeding - What are you feeding your cham? She eats crickets and meal worms What amount? lately only 1-2...
Is there anything I can do for her until I get her to a vet? I won't be able to get her to one until next week sometime. I feel so bad...this is our first chameleon...we had a water dragon prior:(. What causes mouth rot? We have only had her for a little over 2 months.
I have posted prior with all my veiled specs...she is eating...not as much as usual and I noticed tonight that her mouth looks this mouth rot?:confused::(
This was right after I gave her a bath...I use this container top to transport her as she does not like to be handled but doesn't mind the container :) After her bath I offered her a couple crickets and she ate them immediately. Also this is her "basking" spot that is why there is not a ton of...
I will call a vet in the morning. Unfortunately with my husband and I's schedule I won't be able to take her to a vet till Monday. I can post more pics of her
Laying Bin update
As of right now she has shown no interest in the laying bin. My husband and I put her in and left her. My husband went back in a few hours later to check on her and she had climbed back out of the bin. No sign of digging at all. Thinking about giving her another warm bath...
Laying Bin
Going to add a laying bin today....wish us luck!! This is our first chameleon. We owned a Chinese water dragon for 3 years that we rescued! He unfortunately passed away and I was too heart broken to get another water dragon. This little girl caught my eye...she was so friendly and...
Thanks for the suggestions...I too thought maybe 10.0 was a little high but my husband insisted :confused: Humidity level is not that high at all times...I would say 50-60 on average but when misted it goes up.
I do not think she was "sleeping" just trying to avoid me :D
Our female veiled chameleon has been acting strange the past few days. Basically since we cleaned her terrarium. We have been checking on her consistently as she has been acting strange. Not eating as much as usual, no fecal matter that we have seen. Usually her poops are quite large and easy...