I purchased them from mulberry farms and fed only like 6 to my chams but they got so huge and i don't wanna risk them choking on them,so either im gonna let them die or find some one that wants them, i think i have about like 15 to 18 left...
let me know asap because they are out of food!!
mostly now its a everyday thing i usually let the crickets loose or i hold them on with my fingers and he shoots for it right away then for the second or 3rd one he jerks his head and moves along,like if hes full already lol....
Ive Been noticing for the last past month every time i hold a cricket in my hand to feed him he eats one or two,then i put another one and he looks at it and starts to Jerk his head up down and side to side, has anyone ever experience this??? is it normal does it mean anything?
OK so who has Experience with keeping their chams Outside??I live In Southern Ca I need some Advice and some tips PM or comment i would Appreciate the help =) i have all sorts of Questions!
And My Male Jackson's Walks Around the side of the cage all day longg he hardly ever spends time in...
plants, & pair jackson chameleons..HELP!!
For the last past week my male has been trying to get out the cage he spends most of the time on the side of the cage trying to escape his cage is ginormous and it has 2 nice ficus plants and a schefflera plant 2waterfalls his colors are bright and...
So which do I use lol..im confused...they are being kepy outdoors so they do get sun mostly all day untill like 4-5 it goes in..so im just a lil confused if they need uvb after that??
Which one do u guys recommend?
Repti Glo 2.0, 5.0,10.0
Full Spectrum Terrarium Lamp ????
i would appreciate the help guys!!
they are being kept outdoors...