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  1. Supafly

    Official Enclosure Picture Thread #2 - post your pics!

    Hi all! Just downsized my enclosure. Trying out an explorarium. Able to hang it anywhere for sunning. Using only a UVB lamp as i live in tropical weather and and able to sun him most times. Using fake plants now, found that humidity dropped a notch... Got my eyes on that. Keeping it bare...
  2. Supafly

    Why not? its fun right?

    hey buddy. so how is this enclosure going for u so far? wat r d problems dat u have faced in going about your daily care?
  3. Supafly

    Regarding Senegal behaviour

    hey! yeah i guess he was too hot being lost outside for two days. ahh but he is soo thin! i don't know how do i go about promoting feeding?? He likes to hump my hand sometimes. i think he is ready to mate.
  4. Supafly

    Regarding Senegal behaviour

    ok. so left my senegal on the balcony 2 days ago and it disappeared. just found it back again today. prior to the sunbathing incident, he has not eaten much. he used to eat about five cricks a day via hand feeding. faecal matter is small and crinkly. now he refuses handfeeding. now there is...
  5. Supafly

    Help! Blocked up chameleon!

    Also, i do not see any solidly formed faecal matter thus far and appetite has been low. Could this be the effects of the blockage? Not sure to wait for it to come out by itself or...? Because i cannot i cannot confirm by myself that it is a sperm plug..
  6. Supafly

    Help! Blocked up chameleon!

    hi guys! i got directed to this thread from my post. my problem does involve something at the base tail opening. my senegal was actual humping my hand. i do not know whether it was trying to remove the plug if it is or it just wanted to hump. so here was what i typed before. this was what...
  7. Supafly

    Something weird happened with my senegal

    this was what happened. after a day out of sunbathing. i bought my senegal back to the room. i decided to tease my senegal by placing it in front of a mirror. he went into dark mode. but no flaring. no hunching. no hissing. just dark mode. it did not seem to attack the mirror image. it...
  8. Supafly

    Any Senegal Chameleon owners????????

    Hi all! i have a senegal too! my first cham! began cup and hand feeding after a week of not eating. it's been great so far. it's a little on the thin side though. they have veileds now in the store i really really feel like getting a veiled. but there's this nagging feeling that i shouldnt mix...
  9. Supafly

    new little senegal not wanting to eat

    Hey guys! My cham did not eat for about a week when i first got him. Put mealworms and crickets in two cups (used for birds). After d 7th day, i decided to cup feed him crickets. and he ate 2 of em! i got bolder and handfed him 3 more! Thrilling stuff! Had d cricket leg in between my fingers and...
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