Any Senegal Chameleon owners????????

Hello! I am not currently an owner but my first cham was a senegal! She was a sweetie as are most senegals from my experience.
Hello! I am not currently an owner but my first cham was a senegal! She was a sweetie as are most senegals from my experience.
Hello! How big did your first Senegal Chameleon get? I was told that they would only weigh up to 8oz and a foot in length. I can't tell whether or not my little guy is an adult yet.
I have kept a few senegals over the years, and their sizes have varied greatly. I have one female currently in my collection. Don't know this for a fact, but I think locale may have something to do with the size.
I have owned a Senegal in the past and am a huge fan of the species. I'm hoping to get a group of adults later this year to try my hand at breeding.

This is an expensive endeavor unless I can find a vet who will do fecals without a full exam. But I truly believe these are great animals and a captive bred population would be very popular.

Senegals are a medium sized species, most people that have claimed they get large have a Graceful, they do look similar if you don't know what to look for.

I'm always glad to see Senegal keepers! If yours is wild caught (most likely) make certain to get a fecal done and remove all found parasites. They are fantastic at looking just fine until they are too far gone to make it.
I have owned a Senegal in the past and am a huge fan of the species. I'm hoping to get a group of adults later this year to try my hand at breeding.

This is an expensive endeavor unless I can find a vet who will do fecals without a full exam. But I truly believe these are great animals and a captive bred population would be very popular.

Senegals are a medium sized species, most people that have claimed they get large have a Graceful, they do look similar if you don't know what to look for.

I'm always glad to see Senegal keepers! If yours is wild caught (most likely) make certain to get a fecal done and remove all found parasites. They are fantastic at looking just fine until they are too far gone to make it.

Check this out... could be a money saver for you considering your plans :)
Hi all! i have a senegal too! my first cham! began cup and hand feeding after a week of not eating. it's been great so far. it's a little on the thin side though. they have veileds now in the store i really really feel like getting a veiled. but there's this nagging feeling that i shouldnt mix the two together??? thoughts?
Do not mix chameleons, they are solitary animals as adults. If you get another it needs its own separate enclosure an visual blocks so it can't see the other chameleon.
I have a senegal! I have had her since april 4th, right now she's around 10 inches total and 23 grams. :) She loves to explore my room around 2 or 3 times a week and she's very gentle natured and loves climbing anything in sight......including my curtains as much as it scares me.


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