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  1. A

    New Cham... Help!

    shouldnt you put the thermometer inside the enclosure?
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    Need advice!

    heres a picture of his enclosure, it is all taken apart becuase of him passing away. but there was moss of the bottom and then big leafy branches on the left and on the right. probably a bit longer than a fooot and the were about 6 inches thick of leaves and littler branchs. we also had a water...
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    Need advice!

    no need to apolagize, i just read what i wrote and i did sound a bit rude. im sorry! the bulb was powerful enough to heat up housing area. it was a reptisun 50 watt uvb.
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    Need advice!

    he wasnt in a fish tank, he was in a chameleon cage made specifiacly for them with vents under the doors and mesh at the top. and it was a uvb he was heated and we had a thermometer.
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    Need advice!

    Chameleon Info: Your Chameleon - The species, sex, and age of your chameleon. How long has it been in your care?Veiled Chameleon, believe he was a male. Got him when he was a couple of weeks old and had him for about 2 months Handling - How often do you handle your chameleon?once a day, or...
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    Need advice!

    i did see him trying to eat the moss, but i took it out of his mouth after he grabbed it. would that make him angry? he was actually very loving to me most of the time and rarely puffed up or hissed at me to leave him alone. next time im not going to use moss.
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    Need advice!

    reply above^^^^
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    Need advice!

    it was a uvb bulb
  9. A

    Need advice!

    Ok, so I got my baby chameleon on April 2nd, and he recently passed away May 23rd. I had the proper set up and everything for him, with a basking lamp, leaves and branches, also the bottom was filled with moss. I would mist his housing area multiple times a day. About a week before he passed...
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