New Cham... Help!

Sam Carline

New Member
Hey everyone,

Me and my partner decided on getting a cham for a pet and I picked him up today. He is 7 weeks old but because I haven't had one before I have no idea if he is happy or sad or healthy!?

I set his tank up the other day but at the moment the temperature doesn't seem to be getting as warm as it should be and his heat mat and lamp have been on for 3 hours now. How long does this normally take to get to the correct temperature?

How often do I need to mist him? The water seems to be drying up pretty quickly.

How many plants should he have in his tank? I only have the one but he doesn't seem interested it.. I will post a picture of his tank and any suggestions on how I can make him as happy as possible would be so much appreciated!! :)


Welcome to the Chameleon Forums and congrats on that precious baby. I keep veileds and wrote a blog about what all I recommend using to keep your little one healthy and happy. It has links to pictures of what all you need and where you can buy each item. Most supplies that you need for a chameleon can't be found in your local pet store and have to be purchased online.

More great infor here:
If you read the links above you will see how to heat by using a blub not a mat. Babies that age don't require to be hot only have a basking spot in the very low 80's. If that's a glass enclosure if you are not very careful you will cook him. :eek:
I would suggest lifting that enclosure a few feet off the ground. One thing that will do is to make your chameleon feel more secure. Also it will help you get him a little warmer, sitting his tank on the floor means that all the breezes from open doors and windows are right at the same level as his tank.
ahhh i don't want to cook him!! :( it is glass but the temperature of the tank is sitting at

Where do you live? How cold is it in your house? How are you checking your temps? You need a good digital temp gun. What kind of a basking light are you using? the wattage? Please fill out the Ask For Help Form linked below so that the members here can better help you with your new cham. Please give as much detail as possible to each questions so that we can help you even better. :)
I would suggest lifting that enclosure a few feet off the ground. One thing that will do is to make your chameleon feel more secure. Also it will help you get him a little warmer, sitting his tank on the floor means that all the breezes from open doors and windows are right at the same level as his tank.

Excellent idea!
ahhh i don't want to cook him!! :( it is glass but the temperature of the tank is sitting at

Welcome and congrats on your new little one :D

First, get him out of that glass terrarium and into a small all-screen cage.
They are cheap, and for his size, a small one is fine.

Read the stuff Jann linked for you, it is VERY important, and will tell you everything you need to know.

Second, what are you using to measure the temp?

Be warned, most of those cheap pet store thermometers are worthless.
You need a good digital thermometer with a wired probe to monitor and adjust the basking spot temp.

Please go and read those care sheets right now!! (if you haven't already)
shouldnt you put the thermometer inside the enclosure?

ABSOLUTELY!!!! Good Catch!!! No wonder they cannot get a temp to register!!! Also, please remove the mulch or substrate from the bottom. You chameleon can die if he injests it. Oh and welcome to the forums and chameleon ownership. You have come to the right place!!
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