Years ago I bought a juvenile Parson's from them for $1800. It was shipped to me in the NE in a cold month. When I opened the outer cardboard shipping box, the heat pack was taped to the OUTSIDE of the styrofoam container, making it totally useless. The Cham was cold and lethargic when I...
KapitalJ, They have so far when I started using epoxy around the outside ends of the branches and sides of the magnets. I have also drilled holes in the ends of the branch that will fit a smaller (1/4 inch round magnet), allowing for a little epoxy, inserting the magnets in the ends and using...
I have been using a combination of coated screws (reduce rust forming) and neodymium magnets. I drill small pilot holes in the ends of the branches or bamboo and put a screw in. For small branches this is all you need. Put the branch ends where you want them and place the magnets on the outside...
I am on the Cape. I have been feeding some to a clutch of baby Veiled's and they scoop them up. No problems so far. Just make sure no one around you has sprayed their trees.
HI Extensionofgreen Just checking out your project. Looks like it it is coming along great. I had a pair of Parson's back in the 90's and miss them (Bonnie & Clyde). I can't quite see what you are doing right now for side walls and ceiling, are you leaving the 2x4's exposed, with the bare wall...
I clicked on the link for the Diamond product you used. It said it was for "interior" use and only "water resistant." I don't think these types of products will hold up to any constant exposure to water such as we do when misting or dripping the cages. Water is amazing in ability to seep in...
You can also try a local store that repairs or makes new window screens. The one in my area has tons of old screens that they removed before installing the new replacements. More than likely they will be happy to get rid of them. Not new but perfect for that application
Calumma tarzan
Being an old Johnny Weissmuller fan (the Best Tarzan ever and creator of that famous call), what a great name for a new chameleon species! Now if we can only find an impenetrable escarpment for them.
If you still want to use the Monsoon, you might try contacting the company that makes ExoTerra. I have Monsoon Misting system that didn't work properly. The timer wouldn't shut off. They had me send the top back to them ( about $7 bucks) and they shipped me a new whole new unit. They are in...
follow up question on Solarmeters
Thanks for the info Nightanole,
Are those values for UVB and UVA? My meter only measures UVB. And would I just measure the strength when I begin using the bulbs and replace them when they get to the recommended lower percentage? Most of my bulbs run between...
Question regarding metering readings. I have an older model Solarmeter :
(SM 6.0 UVB), that I have had since the 90's. I am questioning its accuracy. I am typically getting readings from new bulbs, that seem to be low. Example: Reptisun 10.0 18" bulb, is .10 mW/cm2 at a distance of 6 inches...
Jackson's hunting on Maui
Hi Mikael,
I was on Maui last summer with my wife om our honeymoon. We took a drive over to Kula to look for some Jacksons ( she a good sport,that's why I married her- :), It was Route 37, I believe. I found a little park called Kula Park, at an intersection with...
screen cage choices
I have bought screen cages from LLL, DIY, Reptibreeze (through Petsolutions), and Dragon Strand. With Dragon Strand being the most recent. I did so with the idea of comparing the different units. The DIY was 24x24x48, the others were the 18x18x36 size. I would say that the...
You may be able to drill new pilot holes near the stripped holes and use self tapping screws. Another possible solution would be to use small bolts and nuts in the stripped holes after drilling all the way through. It would help to know what type of screen cage you bought, metal or plastic...