Support needed for screen cage


New Member
Picked up a screen cage and put it together and guess what... inside of the screw holes, its stripped. Can anyone give me any suggestions on how to fix it?
You may be able to drill new pilot holes near the stripped holes and use self tapping screws. Another possible solution would be to use small bolts and nuts in the stripped holes after drilling all the way through. It would help to know what type of screen cage you bought, metal or plastic frame?
Kevin M
I would get the self tapping screws, they're easier. They cut their own threads as you're putting them in. Just don't get them too long so they don't poke through into the cage. I think 1/2 inch screws would work, maybe 3/4. Measure the screw that came with it, and then you'll know for sure what length you need. I used self tappers to attach plastic chain to the top of my cage so I could set up branches without tying them to the screen, worked great.
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