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  1. JDumire

    Dubia colony noob

    I recently started my dubia colony...I am also only feeding for 1. I started with 30 females and 10 males...also ordered 400 smalls to feed off until they get up and running. I started it 3 weeks ago and see new babies every few days.
  2. JDumire

    Rubbermaid/Sterilite Tubs questions

    I used a dremel on my tubs that were on the thicker side and for the smaller thinner ones I used a box cutter...not sure about the reptile heat mat..but I use heat tape for my dubia colony and use duct tape to attach it to bins so I wouldn't see why not but I would keep an eye on it for...
  3. JDumire

    Triple the size in 6 weeks!!

    Holy Moly! I weighed Pascal today who is 4.5 months and I have owned him for 6weeks...he has tripled in size! He was 22g at 12 weeks he is now 67.5g at 18 weeks... am I feeding too much or is this normal..I know veiled grow fast but goodness gracious..that is fast!!!
  4. JDumire


    Just to give you an idea of feeding...I have a 17 week old male veiled..this is what he eats on a daily basis.. 15-20 small dubia(I do roaches instead of crickets) 1-2 hornworms, 1-2 silkworms, and 1-2 supers, +\- a few Phoenix worms. Hope this helps.
  5. JDumire

    How do you get stuff attached to the metal screen cages?

    I use heavy duty magnets that I got from lowes and used a hot glue gun to glue the magnet on to the plant, limb etc. works great!
  6. JDumire

    Lots of breeding about to go down!

    Me either!!! Crickets smell so bad!! And they are just dirty little insects. I'm loving the roaches.
  7. JDumire

    Lots of breeding about to go down!

    Just got my dubia breeding colony in today as well as a mixture of good sized orange heads that I am goin to breed as well.. I am very excited! Also doing hornworms and beginning to work on silk worms. I have Phoenix worms I would like to give a shot but it is very hard to find a good and...
  8. JDumire

    Sage's 6 Month Old Photos

    Gorgeous Jann!! I can't believe how fast they grow...Pascal doubled his weight in less than a month..44g at 4 months.
  9. JDumire

    Feeding Various Roach Breeds?

    Thanks for the replies!
  10. JDumire

    Feeding Various Roach Breeds?

    Curious if anyone knows if it is okay to feed any type of roach (besides dubia) to a chameleon? These are the ones I am interested in: Halloween hissers, orange headed roach, discoid, Red runners, and lobster roach. Would like to try something new for my Cham but want to be sure these were ok...
  11. JDumire


    If u live near the beach or you are planning a vacation..drift wood works great!!!
  12. JDumire

    Which potting soil?

    I use a mixture. 1 part organic potting soil w.out fertilizer, 1part sphagnum moss and 1part crayola brand sand (because it is the safest sand and non carcinogens.) That's just what I use but just plain old organic fertilizer free soil would probably do just fine.
  13. JDumire

    Does George look healthy?

    Looks old is he? My veiled looks to be around the same age. Do you have any enclosure pics?
  14. JDumire

    Butter worms stink?

    They can stay in that container until they are fed off..and I dont know if it is ok yo refrigerate them? Maybe someone else will chime in? They don't really grow much and will not breed so you can probably just keep them with your other feeder containers.
  15. JDumire

    Butter worms stink?

    They should have a very light kinda sweet smell but you would have to actually stick yiur nose to them to smell it. Maybe you got a bad batch?
  16. JDumire

    Cleaning Terrarium

    It probably depends on your Chameleon. Some get more stressed than others. I clean my enclosure completely once weekly and clean out fecal matter daily. My veiled does not seem bothered by this, but I also take him out frequently.
  17. JDumire

    Microscopic image of a pin worm ova?

    Those are undigested cricket parts.. Pinworm ova looks similar to a football..sort of. If I had a pic I would attach it.
  18. JDumire

    Squash Bugs

    Was curious if anyone knows if it is safe to feed Squash bugs (Anasa tristis)? They eat winter squash and pumpkins. My mom lives on a farm and has a pumpkin patch and these bugs are everywhere. Would be great if I could use as a feeder for my Cham.
  19. JDumire

    New Shed

    Last night he seemed to be ok with it, got him to even eat a little bit, but this morning he was really unhappy...I felt so bad for him..poor little guy, but he is looking much more colorful now and has some new spots on his belly. And he totally was giving me the "Stink Eye" :D
  20. JDumire

    New Shed

    Came home today and Pascal had started his first shed since his arrival.. Can't wait to see him after he is is a pic of him mid shed...enjoy.
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