My boyfriend and I were at one point thinking of a similar set-up, however we were going to put a mesh layer between the 'terrarium' part and the aquarium in case of falls.. decided it was too much maintenance, too risky, and didn't want the possibility of messing with cross-contaminations of...
I was wondering that, I guess she technically can but she'd have to climb on the ceiling (since it's on her stomach) which I've literally never seen her do except for when I first got her back in July, and that was in her old cage when she was just in a small Exo terra... The spot hasn't grown...
I don't really know much about this subject, but the only thing I'll comment is that if this happens again you probably shouldn't put it back in for him.. sounds like it could be a choking hazard!!
Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - Veiled chameleon, female, approximately 10 months
Handling - Once every few months (Last time was December)
Feeding - Mainly crickets, 8 every second day. Hornworms as treats
Supplements - Not sure actual brand, dust with calcium every feeding
Watering -...
Okay, so long story short, I tripped and a cricket keeper of like 100 crickets exploded, so now there are crickets ALL over my apartment and I have one very unhappy roomie! (A human roomie, not a cham. My cham is very happy with her new free-range hunting duty)
Anyways, besides letting Ez...
This is very fascinating, thanks for the info everyone!! I was always under the impression that you should NOT feed a cham meal worms unless you have no other options because they get blocked.. I fed mine them for a week when I first got her and it was the scariest thing ever, took her a while...
The thing is besides the poop she hasn't shown any problems of being sick, doesn't look in pain, she doesn't seem weak, is eating fine, doesn't sleep during the day, is acting like her generally normal self :/
It's boggling my mind too. I cleaned out the cage this weekend and naughta.. I even recently put in a waterfall because I read on here they like to poop near running water
She's still eating entirely fine, like has no problem snatching up crickets, I've even limited food supply trying to get her to poop... However im not sure about her hydration, I mist frequently (4 times a day +) but I've never seen her drink in the 3 months I've had her. Obviously she is though...
Okay, so I'm asking this because I have a daily limit on my debit, and want to take out money if need be before the visit xD
I'm taking my baby girl to the vet tomorrow because I believe she has become impacted :( I've tried most everything, and nothing.. for quite a while..
If anyone has had...
Okay thank you for the tip! :) right now I'm actually visiting family for thanksgiving, so I only have her travel cage with me, so this is a make shift laying bin which doesn't fit in the travel cage :(
Ahh I already do that :( Oh well... The only thing that makes me think she is not ready to lay is the fact she still eats whatever I put in her cage the second it's in there. Right now I have her in her laying bin, let's hope it works!
Darn, was hoping she'd be a late bloomer ;) Thanks so much everyone, truly truly appreciate it. Looking at her behaviour lately I think you're all correct. I was just super worried because my sister was like 'omg does that mean she's dying?' and it freaked me out xD Thanks guys!! <3 <3
I just want a quick opinion- hence why not posting in health. Is this okay colouring for a female veiled, aprox. 7 months old? It just worries me because Ive NEVER seen her display this before.
Okay, so my cham has been acting odd lately. She's only about 6-7 months old (which is when I know they can produce eggs), however I don't know what they look like when they do that. Can someone help me? Today I found her at the bottom of her cage, and lately she's been less welcoming to me...