Good point! Ball Pythons incubates their eggs coiled around them in borrows.
But also I know that it works for lizards eggs which burry their eggs.
Anyone else have anthing to say? :confused:
I would like to know if any of you have ever used the subtrate less method for chameleon eggs. I have a clutch today of 29 eggs and I set them up with this method.
I know that it works great for pythons and other lizards eggs but never heard anyone using it with chameleons.
I have an incubator for Ball Pythons eggs ready and set to 88.5 steady.
What do you think about this temps for Veiled eggs?
Also I'm planning to use the substrate less method, as I do with Ball Pythons eggs;
Have any of you ever used this method with Veiled Eggs?
Sorry to revive this old thread but I have a question regarding temps.
In this study temperatures in the 84.2 F were used (29C). Has any of you ever used this high temps or higher? What were your results?