Incubation temps/Sex Variation

Has anyone studied the effects of incubating clutches at different temperatures to see if they have an effect on the sex of a clutch.
Crocs and Gators clutches are effected by temperature.
Will more males be produced with higher temps?
Will more females be produced with lower temps?
Definitely read this article from this latest issue:

Most of the other studies on chameleons have been limited in sample size and lacked any type of statistical analysis so it was all imperical observations. A couple such observations have indicated possible temperature influence in certain species but nothing definitive.

Sorry to revive this old thread but I have a question regarding temps.

In this study temperatures in the 84.2 F were used (29C). Has any of you ever used this high temps or higher? What were your results?

Thanks for your reply but I'm not refering to the sex variation, I want to know if any one have succesfuly used this temps to incubate veiled eggs.
I have an incubator for Ball Pythons eggs ready and set to 88.5 steady.

What do you think about this temps for Veiled eggs?

Also I'm planning to use the substrate less method, as I do with Ball Pythons eggs;

Have any of you ever used this method with Veiled Eggs?

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