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  1. C

    Tiny Tiny Baby Veiled

    ow big are they when they are 3months?
  2. C

    Tiny Tiny Baby Veiled

    whats that cute baby on the top left corner of the page? And, do you recommend getting one so small or lik e3 inches "snot" to tail?
  3. C

    Tiny Tiny Baby Veiled

    if i happened to get a friendly one, couild i hold it without stressing it? now that i see snot to base of tail i laguh too
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    Tiny Tiny Baby Veiled

    and whats that cham in thetop left corner of the site (when using Dev style)
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    Tiny Tiny Baby Veiled

    If i bought a tiny(1 1/2 inch snot to base of tail) veiled cahmeleon, would i be able to tame it to get used to handling, with treats.. and stresslessly?
  6. C


    thank you. I was just wondering becuase ive seen many different andswers. some poeple say it depends on the chameleon.
  7. C


    is it only becuase they are delicate, or is it because they get stressed. what if it remains green while handling, doesnt that mean its relaxed?
  8. C


    If you get a baby veiled chaeleon, about a 2-3 inch body(not including the had), can yiou handle it. Will it get used to it over time?
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