

New Member
If you get a baby veiled chaeleon, about a 2-3 inch body(not including the had), can yiou handle it. Will it get used to it over time?
I would nto try to handle them at all...They are so fragile at that age. Plus you shouldn't handle Chams anyways
is it only becuase they are delicate, or is it because they get stressed. what if it remains green while handling, doesnt that mean its relaxed?
Should not be handled, period.
You will have to move your animal for cage cleaning or to go outside in the sun or to the vet on occasion.
Other than that it should be left alone. It is not a kitten, and yes (regardless of the color) it stresses them.

thank you. I was just wondering becuase ive seen many different andswers. some poeple say it depends on the chameleon.
A lot of people just do what they want regardless of the animal in question.
It makes sense that a singular, territorial animal, that doesn't even like others of it's own species around is not going to appreciate being handled ... excessively or otherwise.
Every single chameleon (if given the choice) no matter what anyone says, would choose to be left alone.

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