My jackson never eats when i am around. i can sit in front of his cage for an hour and he wont eat but as soon as i go away he eats. I bought some appetite plus by nature zone for him. It has seemed to help. He went from eating 1 or 2 1/2" crickets to eating 3 or 5. I just put it in with the...
I feed mine small moths that i catch outside about once a week. He seems to like them. as far as other insects I'm not sure. It would be nice to know what is safe and whats not.
My Jackson will run around his cage from the time he wakes up til the time he goes to sleep. He doesn't like being handled, but doesn't hiss at me or anything just trys to hide when i go to get him.
You don't have raise feeders, you can just order them over the net and have them delivered to you. is a good place to order from. You can set it up were they send you out an order every two weeks or every month and just bill you credit card and you don't have to worry about it.
I have a jackson. They are not as hard to take care of as people say. You do have to spend a little more time with them but is that not what you are getting it for? i got mine form he is a wc from H. The price was good to ($35 plus shipping). they are not on...
I have a green toad. He is very quite, i haven't heard him make any sounds. he only cost about $6.00. and he eats the crickets. the only things you need are a tank at lest 10g., bark, bowl of water for him to get into and food. he is the easiest pet i have.
:confused: I just got some mealworms for my cham. How do you feed them to him? i cup feed with the crikets do i do the same with the mealworms????????????? :confused: