hunger strike??? or just small cham


Avid Member
Well pockey is back to his old games, i beleive he is on a huner strike again. monday i took him outside and he ate a fly with recless abandon to my suprise and i actually took him in because of his chasing more flies. He has never grown well since i got him 2 months ago my female with exact same regimen in an identical cage is 19.9 grams he is only 9. the were approximately the same size 9 weeks ago ant thought about this issue would be appreciated. i ave tried silk worms she devous them he ignores them and i rarely see him eat. i do believe he is eating some but she runs after all the crickets in 5 minutes, he just looks. otherwise is behavious seems normal
Cage Info:
Cage Type - 18x12x24 screen
Lighting - reptisun 5.0 60w bulb on dimmer
Temperature - ambient 72, basking 78-80, night mid sixties
Humidity - 65+% with misting and humidifiers
Plants - ficus fake vines
Location - basement isolated

Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - 6 month old CB Male Jackson
Feeding - gutloaded crickets put 6 3/8 in cage in am
Supplements - currently only repcal without d for one week 3 times/week very lightly dusted
Watering - misting- drinks in front of me daily
Fecal Description - normal brown formed with white urates much smaller volume than my female
History -recent dehydration possible oversupplimentation
how do i post a picture. my uploade filled with one large picture and i can't figure out how to delete it
here they are he is the little guy with the horns(obviously) hope this helps




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I have never kept jacksons... but I can point out something obviouse of all chameleons.... he seems dehydrated. I would give him a nice shower, he needs to drink. Also chams grow in spurts. Again, never kept jacksons before, but my veiled Fred was almost twice my other males size. Now Jake has a 2.5" casque and weighs 150g's and Fred is only 120gs and his casue is only 1.5" tall. They are very close in age and if anything, Fred is older. Just give it a little time. BTW since you have a gram scale you should make a spread sheet and track the growth of your chams. I do, and it helps when you go to the vet or are trying to trouble shoot issues.

Good luck!
My jackson never eats when i am around. i can sit in front of his cage for an hour and he wont eat but as soon as i go away he eats. I bought some appetite plus by nature zone for him. It has seemed to help. He went from eating 1 or 2 1/2" crickets to eating 3 or 5. I just put it in with the water that i mist his cage with. :D
I had a jackson and he loved flies. Was very picky about everything else, but loved the flies. You can buy pupa and refrigerate them and pull out some to hatch out every few days or hatch them all at once. I got mine at and from the Kammers (kammerflage). Give it a try. You can gut load them too the Kammers have a recipe for it. Good luck, jackson's are my favorite:)
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