Hello sorry i didnt get back to you i went and got a new propa basking bulb wich is a 100w exo terra and the uvb bulb is wot you sed in the last post ye i can post set up can you tell me how to do it and when i put new bulb he is alot more active and bright and also i have orderd a mister fogger...
Sori i find it hard to spell ok iv put up the temp on the heat switch to 85 and the uvb bulb is a 5.0 sorry im new to this and iv put a 100 watts bulb in
Oki doki thats what the woman i got him off had it set up at my house is all ways warm and uv bulb is 1.5 watt and make is as its on bulb just say reptile do i put house bulb in aswell
Hello just a quick one i have a vield cameleon wich my girfriend got me off a woman off gumtree a week ago but he all ways stays the same colour wuch is a dark green/brown and dosent seam to move from under his basking lamp he eats realy well from my hand and iv had him owt a few times but...