I worked out the issue that was causing the dark colouration. I don't think enough of the basking light was penetrating the mesh, so whilst the temps were correct (they haven't changed at all), the light emitted wasn't sufficient for Rango so he was compensating. I switched for a bigger...
Thanks for the response. I did move where his cage sits but to be honest he's now in an even lower traffic area because he's tucked away in the corner so I won't bother him while I walk about it my room. He is slightly closer to a window now but I checked for draughts before I relocated him (I...
His basking temperature should be consistent because I have the ceramic heater thermostatted to kick in if the temp drops below 85. Could it be due to the bigger temperature gradient compared to what it was in the previous wooden viv?
I was thinking that may be the case. I just wanted some advice/reassurance from some more experienced keepers because I'm very new to it. thanks for the reply!
Chameleon Info:
• Your Chameleon – Male Veiled Chameleon, 5 months old. Had him for 2 months
• Handling – Almost never, had to recently to transfer him to new flexarium and he attempted to leap away from me
• Feeding – He has 10-12 veg gutloaded crickets/locust a day (with the occasional...
Thank you for getting back to me. Its much appreciated! I've kept a close eye on him and I think it was just me being paranoid. Then again, like my vet always says "there's nothing wrong with a bit of healthy paranoia".
Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon – 12 week male Veiled Chameleon, had it for 2 days
Handling – I have not handled him yet as I’m leaving him acclimate to the new surroundings
Feeding – He refused to eat yesterday but today cup fed him 8-10 small crickets and left a few free range in the...
Current Problem – I’m just looking for some reassurance to be honest. This is my second chameleon and my first one was a bit of a disaster so I’m nervous about issues recurring. I bought the first chameleon about 6 weeks ago (a 6 month female veiled – husbandry was the same minus the live plants...
rectly examine your animal can give a true diagnosis of your chameleon's health.
Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - The species, sex, and age of your chameleon. How long has it been in your care?
Handling - How often do you handle your chameleon?
Feeding - What are you feeding your cham...