Stress colours for 9 days


New Member
Chameleon Info:
• Your Chameleon – Male Veiled Chameleon, 5 months old. Had him for 2 months
• Handling – Almost never, had to recently to transfer him to new flexarium and he attempted to leap away from me
• Feeding – He has 10-12 veg gutloaded crickets/locust a day (with the occasional calci worm)
• Supplements – Plain calcium Mon – Fri, Calcium & D3/ Multi vit on alternating Saturdays
• Watering – MistKing set for 8am (7 mins), 1pm (5 mins), 3pm (2 mins) 6pm (5 mins)
• Fecal Description – It’s a lot harder to find in his new viv but he seems hydrated and healthy
• History – Had no issues so far, I was worried he had an R.I because he yawned when I first got him but that was just me being paranoid

• Cage Info:
• Cage Type – Screen flexarium 48x30x22 (3 sides covered with Styrofoam insulation wrapped in plastic sheeting)
• Lighting – 5% Linear UVB, 100 watt basking bulb with a thermostatted ceramic heater (very rarely used, contingency option for if basking bulb blows while I’m in work). Lights are timed 7:30am – 8:30pm
• Temperature – Basking 85-95, lowest cage temp 70. Lowest night temp 60 (I have an oil radiator thermostatted for any extreme temp drops but rarely needed. Measured with a temperature gun/numerous digital thermometers
• Humidity – Not 100% sure
• Plants – Mix of live and fake. Live plants: pothos, umbrella plant, 2 dracaena, parlour palm, coffee plant
• Placement – Located in an alcove of my bedroom which is a low traffic area (no one enters between 8am and 6pm).
• Location – South Wales in the UK

Current Problem – 9 days ago I upgraded Rango from a 3 foot modified wooden viv to a 4ft flexarium because the wood was being destroyed by the constant water/humidity. Since then he has been showing very dark colours. They have improved slightly since day 7 but he is still not showing the bright green colouration that was present when he was in his wooden viv. He still eats and actively moves around the viv. Does anyone have any suggestions of what it might be that’s stressing him out?
its probably just the move from enclosures. I'm no expert though. someone else here may be able to assist you better.
I was thinking that may be the case. I just wanted some advice/reassurance from some more experienced keepers because I'm very new to it. thanks for the reply!
Probably the move..however he seems comfortable enough to be eating o.k…so he can't be that stressed.:confused:

Double check your temps (darker color could mean he's not as warm as he'd like to be) and give him some more time to adjust.
His basking temperature should be consistent because I have the ceramic heater thermostatted to kick in if the temp drops below 85. Could it be due to the bigger temperature gradient compared to what it was in the previous wooden viv?
Hi, some adjust slowly to change. It looks like you are giving him good condition. Now its just a waiting game.

Just to be sure also. Did you change where his cage sits? Hes not getting a draft from a window or fan, in view of another animal now, in an area with more traffic, etc...
Thanks for the response. I did move where his cage sits but to be honest he's now in an even lower traffic area because he's tucked away in the corner so I won't bother him while I walk about it my room. He is slightly closer to a window now but I checked for draughts before I relocated him (I have slight obsessive tendencies when it comes to my animals).
I worked out the issue that was causing the dark colouration. I don't think enough of the basking light was penetrating the mesh, so whilst the temps were correct (they haven't changed at all), the light emitted wasn't sufficient for Rango so he was compensating. I switched for a bigger reflector light fitting and he's gone back to his lovely light green colour.
Yeeeeeey! This is awesome news! :) I have a male ( it turned out just lately) around 5 months and I have him for 2,5 months now. I will move him in his new cage in two weeks as well. I am just waiting for the cage to arrive. So I am very excited how he will like it! :confused:
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