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  1. L

    like minded people

    thanks thanks gesang thats defently the kind of positive info the threds need :)
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    berdie forums?

    soz beardie fourms? dose any one kno of a good beardie fourm???::confused:
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    3ft viv for beardie

    i need a 3ft viv for a beardie pref wood with a glass front in south east uk
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    Is this art? (readers beware- pics of animal abuse)

    shocking how people even allow it.
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    berdie forums?

    dose any one know of a fourm for berdies?
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    LIVID Chameleon

    how you do that? thats awsome how you get him or her so friendly mines friendly never aggro at all but he still needs a bit of munch to get him on my hand
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    like minded people

    lol rele dnt mean it like that just bord at training jcb training centre n its gd to tlk
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    like minded people

    hello im looking to meet like kinded people im 19 male uk and i love my baby veiled cham hes awsome n so small think he is 10 to 15 weeks i also have a bearded dragon baby he is even smaller then my cham! and a lepored gecko. my profesion is mechanical engineer for jcb service dealership. in my...
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    black tounge?

    hallo i have a small 12 13 week old veiled cham and my missis is currently looking after him and she phoned me today saying when he ate his food she thought his toung was black and asked me if this was the norm! he seems happy and healthy and always nice n bright colour any help or info would be...
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    help: raising temperature?!

    cheers cheers guys ill be off to petshop over the weekend to try n sort it out. dose any one know if exo terra make a canopy for a standard bulb just because thay fit on the exo terra enclosure nicely cheers for all the advise guys
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    help: raising temperature?!

    it is a 45x45x60 glass vivarium but for a very young chameleon think 6 to 10 weeks old and ive set the vivarium up and have a thermometer just after half way up it reads 73 with lights and heat mat on for 3 hours just want to know if the temp is right or do i need to raise it as i have been told...
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    help: raising temperature?!

    reply until we can change the light set-up do you have any ideas on how to raise the temperature?
  13. L

    help: raising temperature?!

    reply to temperature it says its a exo terra 5.0 uva+uvb compact looks like a normal energy saving fluoresent bulb not a long fluoresent bulb but when in the pet shop was told it was all we would need plus a heat mat. cheers
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    help: raising temperature?!

    We'll soon be getting a baby veiled chameleon, and we have an exo-terra 45x45x60 vivarium and 5.0 reptiglo 25 watt bulbs... we were told we would only need to use the bulbs to raise the temperature during the daytime but we can't seem to raise the temp above 70 degrees farenheight. Does anyone...
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    any old vet

    im awating my new chameleon and am concerned if any thing should happen where would i find a vet will most vets deal with chameleons? or do i need a specailist vet????
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    im new here!!

    any old vet? this is the first ive been doing as much reserch as i can. all v exciting gona set up housing tomoz cant wait also just a quick one will most vets deal with chameleons or do i need a special vet?
  17. L

    im new here!!

    im new to all this im awating my baby chameleon think he is 5 or 6 weeks old got all my bits n peices to house him dose any one here have any tips for me for when she arrives?
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