help: raising temperature?!


New Member
We'll soon be getting a baby veiled chameleon, and we have an exo-terra 45x45x60 vivarium and 5.0 reptiglo 25 watt bulbs... we were told we would only need to use the bulbs to raise the temperature during the daytime but we can't seem to raise the temp above 70 degrees farenheight. Does anyone have any suggestions on raising the temperature of the enclosure?
reply to temperature

it says its a exo terra 5.0 uva+uvb compact looks like a normal energy saving fluoresent bulb not a long fluoresent bulb but when in the pet shop was told it was all we would need plus a heat mat.
Return it that light bulb.
Get the flouresent tube light.
Also, read over that caresheet.
Their is a bunch of information in there, and some of it covers the problems that can be caused by the compact bulb.
We'll soon be getting a baby veiled chameleon, and we have an exo-terra 45x45x60 vivarium and 5.0 reptiglo 25 watt bulbs... we were told we would only need to use the bulbs to raise the temperature during the daytime but we can't seem to raise the temp above 70 degrees farenheight. Does anyone have any suggestions on raising the temperature of the enclosure?

Is the 45x45x60 cm? So 17X17X24 Inches? Is this a glass vivarium? It will be OK for a small baby, but that baby will quickly outgrow the cage. Watch temps closely as they can get quite high very quickly in an all glass cage. Also, no compact flourecent UVB bulbs, they can cause blindness, burns, and even death in that close an environment.
it is a 45x45x60 glass vivarium but for a very young chameleon think 6 to 10 weeks old and ive set the vivarium up and have a thermometer just after half way up it reads 73 with lights and heat mat on for 3 hours just want to know if the temp is right or do i need to raise it as i have been told at this point it should read 80.
Return that bulb and get a lon tube bulb. Reptisun 5.0 is the one everyone recommends. Also, a heat mat is pointless. These chameleons live in trees and shouldn't be spending time on the floor of the enclosure. Use the tube light and a regular household bulb for with the wattage until your temps are correct. I recommend putting the household bulb in one corner and getting rid of the heat mat so there is a temperature gradation throughout the enclosure. They need this to thermoregulate themselves properly. Hope this helps.
You need to have the basking area in the low 80's. Appropriate temperatures allow for proper digestion thus play a part in nutrient absorption. If you have a regular household incandescent bulb in a hood above the cage you can use whatever wattage gives you that temperature. Just be sure that the chameleon can't burn its feet.

Regarding the cage size...for young chameleons I prefer a longer lower keeps them at a more moderate/even temperature all the time.

cheers guys ill be off to petshop over the weekend to try n sort it out. dose any one know if exo terra make a canopy for a standard bulb just because thay fit on the exo terra enclosure nicely cheers for all the advise guys
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