Chameleon- veiled, female, around 5 months old. Had for a week.
Handling- not often, held it briefly
Feeding- 8 crickets or 8 mealworms daily. Gut load with cricket quencher and carrots.
Supplements- flukers D3 calcium
Watering- mist tank 2-3 times a day with spray bottle. Cham occasionally...
I have it in a 10 gal glass tank. I feed it crickets and mealworms. The temp is around 75. The chameleon was grey in the pet shop when I got it but it has been a week and doesn't really change color
I recently got a female veiled chameleon. It eats, drinks water and is active but it is always a grey or darker color. I don't know if it's normal for it to be that color. It is never really green. Is this normal?
I got a female veiled chameleon and it is always grey with spots. I don't know if it's normal or not because every pic I see of veiled chameleons, they're green. Can someone tell me if this is normal