Grey chameleon


New Member
I recently got a female veiled chameleon. It eats, drinks water and is active but it is always a grey or darker color. I don't know if it's normal for it to be that color. It is never really green. Is this normal?


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I have it in a 10 gal glass tank. I feed it crickets and mealworms. The temp is around 75. The chameleon was grey in the pet shop when I got it but it has been a week and doesn't really change color
I have it in a 10 gal glass tank. I feed it crickets and mealworms. The temp is around 75. The chameleon was grey in the pet shop when I got it but it has been a week and doesn't really change color

Unless your girl is very small, a 10 gal glass tank of any type will be way to small, but i'm new to this myself and am learning. Dont take my word for this, but I'm fairly certain. :eek:

Too bad its possibly a sign of sickness or something other than just a unique color. Who knows, maybe it can be if all other possibilities are not the cause. Most animals have mutations, why not lizards?
I have it in a 10 gal glass tank. I feed it crickets and mealworms. The temp is around 75. The chameleon was grey in the pet shop when I got it but it has been a week and doesn't really change color

Please fill out the form I posted. I can't tell you what's wrong unless I have more information.

A ten gallon tank is much too small.

You need a screen cage.

Look at this caresheet
It's not normal. I can tell you 75 degrees is too low for her basking spot. Needs to be 80-82ish. Needs to be spot on, this being off will cause issues, even death. The glass tank has to go. She needs a UVB to absorb the calcium with and without d3 you should be dusting her crickets with. (D3 2x a month) She needs a nice full REAL plant to hide in so she can hide and decompress every day.
And she needs to be misted, daily, multiple times.

If you got her at petco or petsmart I doubt they told you any of this in greater detail. But that color is not good. By filling out the help form the senior members can really get you back on track so you don't kill her. Best wishes.

Ps. Mealworms should only make up
20% of her diet. Offer hornworms, silkies, dubias, crickets that are fed veggies and fruit, and you can also give her finely tiny chopped approved veggies and fruits, like strawberries and mustard greens.
Chameleon- veiled, female, around 5 months old. Had for a week.
Handling- not often, held it briefly
Feeding- 8 crickets or 8 mealworms daily. Gut load with cricket quencher and carrots.
Supplements- flukers D3 calcium
Watering- mist tank 2-3 times a day with spray bottle. Cham occasionally drinks drops.

Cage type- 10 gal glass tank. Going to get screen cage soon.
Lighting- 50 watt basking bulb
Temp- 85 f in basking area. Turn off bulb at night. Don't know night temp but room is warm.
Humidity- 50 or higher
Plants- fake plants and vines.
Location- corner of room. About 3-4 ft off ground
Geography- city. Suburban

There's info. New to chameleons but have had a leopard gecko. Not sure if I should return this chameleon and get a different one
Chameleon- veiled, female, around 5 months old. Had for a week.
Handling- not often, held it briefly
Feeding- 8 crickets or 8 mealworms daily. Gut load with cricket quencher and carrots. Add some more veggies like potatoes or fruit like oranges to the gut load. Not just carrots. Or get BUG BURGER.
Supplements- flukers D3 calcium You also need flukers WITHOUT d3 calcium EVERY DAY, and use the one you already have twice a month.
Watering- mist tank 2-3 times a day with spray bottle. Cham occasionally drinks drops.

Cage type- 10 gal glass tank. Going to get screen cage soon. You should get an 18x18x30 inch screen cage to start with, and if it is a female, keep it that size.
Lighting- 50 watt basking bulb I suggest getting a 60 or higher watt or a flood light as a basking light.
Temp- 85 f in basking area. Turn off bulb at night. Don't know night temp but room is warm.
Humidity- 50 or higherNot when you are misting, right? It's good to have drying periods where the humidity is 50% or lower for maybe an hour or two, then mist and have it 80% for a while and let it dry.
Plants- fake plants and vines. Highly suggest you get a live plant such as a 25inch or so tall ficus for the screen cage. Helps with humidity and gives the cham a thing to snack on.
Location- corner of room. About 3-4 ft off ground
Geography- city. Suburban

There's info. New to chameleons but have had a leopard gecko. Not sure if I should return this chameleon and get a different one

I have put my opinions in red in your quote.

I think the coloration is due to low basking spot (in your original post) or small tank. Try fixing these things in red, (except the humidity one) and then wait a few days and see if she colors up.

if not, return it and use your fixed setup for a good chameleon that is not sick
Is there a sickness that could make it grey. If was also a dark grey in the petco were I got it
I own 2 leapord geckos and it's so different in care. But I will tell you she just needs some TLC and the proper enclosure stat. My veiled is super easy now that I'm set right and Veiled's are hardier than most chams. Total cost to get set up right: 18x18x36 reptibreeze on Amazon 80 bucks, 18"reptizoom 10.0 UVB bulb 32.00, 18" ballast for UVB bulb at Home Depot 12.97, hand mister 3.00, pathos from walmart 11.00 -- if you can't provide these things, then yes take her back. Or give her to me:)
(j /k ) but taking her back is a death sentence honestly. You can do this though--I haven't killed my girl yet thanks to the advise of the site. Best wishes !
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