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  1. D

    Tongue issues

    I can't really say if it was a gradual or overnight thing. I noticed she was gradually getting closer to the food before striking, but I'm not 100% sure if that was due to the tongue not extending as much. She has been eating fine still. I would even say she's been eating more and has been...
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    Tongue issues

    Hmm. . . Ok. I'll try reducing her supplementation a bit and see if it helps. The drinking hasn't been an issue with her. It was originally, as I didn't have a heater in the water reservoir, but now I do, and she loves it. As soon as it starts, she bolts straight for the nozzle to get covered...
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    Tongue issues

    Chameleon Info: Your Chameleon - Female Jacksons, roughly 11 months old. I've had her around 6 months Handling - Around every other day. But I don't hold on to her and whatnot, I have extra vines above my desk so I let her crawl around while I get work done Feeding - I've been feeding her a...
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    Tongue not extending

    Chameleon Info: Your Chameleon - Female Jacksons, roughly 9 months old. I've had her around 2 months Handling - Around every other day. But I don't hold on to her and whatnot, I have extra vines above my desk so I let her crawl around while I get work done Feeding - I've been feeding her a mix...
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    Crushing their heads?

    I don't know how different the digestive tracts of chams and leos are, but I can't imagine them being too drastically different, and I have had a super find its way back out of one of my leos. I have since not fed supers to any of my herps.
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    Hi all, I am just looking for suggestions on how to get my cham to adjust to cup feeding? She eats mealies out of a shallow cup fine, but she won't eat crickets unless it is free range. i would like to get her to adjust to cup feeding with crickets too, since it gets rather annoying finding...
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    Pascal is becoming progressively less active

    Update before misting system goes in Just an update. . . her new tank (18x18x36) is all finished up aside from the misting system, which should be arriving tomorrow. I don't know why all of the pictures uploaded sideways, but let me know what you think :) These pictures don't make...
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    Pascal is becoming progressively less active

    Also, for just the 18x18x36 reptibreeze and a 18x18x24 exoterra terrarium, I am deciding between mistking systems. . . would the lowest starter kit be fine or should i get the 'ultimate value' kit? i've never had a misting system set up so I'm just trying to get a second opinion. (eventually I...
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    Pascal is becoming progressively less active

    What about keeping females together? Would they do fine in a pair or trio? And the UVB100 is just a 26Watt bulb, it looks so bright in the pic because my camera on my phone has been screwed up. Its not terribly bright. However, I am switching to a linear UVB bulb so it will cover my cham and...
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    Pascal is becoming progressively less active

    update I bought pascal an 18x18x36 reptibreeze and set that up for her, the mistking is on the way as well as more vines and soon getting sturdier live plants that will hold her weight. She is back to herself, always moving around and going nuts when i come downstairs (I always open up her...
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    Pascal is becoming progressively less active

    Thanks again for the advice. I actually just added another hanging plant in the front of the enclosure and moved the dripper to above that and he/she has been taking laps around the enclosure and stopping repeatedly at the plant to drink. The dripper before was above a fake ivy plant with the...
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    Pascal is becoming progressively less active

    Here is some more pictures of him that I just took. He is drinking right now, and a lot, which I never see him do so maybe thats just what he needed. Also, another question, what is a good method of keeping the humidity up in open air tanks? I've always kept all of my other reptiles in glass...
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