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  1. M

    7 brevicaudatus eggs! now what?

    Just got home after being away for a few days, checked in the corner where I saw my female r. brevicaudatus digging and found 7 eggs! I placed them in a deli cup for now with a bit of organic dirt from the enclosure and they are being kept at around 71F. Does this sound all sound like the...
  2. M

    what to do with gravid female?

    I think I may have a gravid female. What is the 'standard' thing to do for the eggs? do I let her bury them and then find them myself? she's currently in a planted exoterra with about 6 inches of dirt + a false bottom. should i put her in a different viv (same conditions but with a tiny bit of...
  3. M

    does my female brevicaudatus look gravid?

    I got her only a few days ago with another male...think she may already be gravid! let me know what you guys think. thanks
  4. M

    pygmy chameleon breeding pair- newbie questions

    my female The first day I brought them home, I saw the male change color very quickly and approach the female from behind, although she wasnt in the mood for any of it. she rocked back and forth and he left her alone. She is looking very swollen towards her back legs though, at first I...
  5. M

    pygmy chameleon breeding pair- newbie questions

    schefflera Yeah I'm thinking of putting one there tomorrow. Should fill it out better.
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    pygmy chameleon breeding pair- newbie questions

    female Here is a pic of the female.
  7. M

    pygmy chameleon breeding pair- newbie questions

    Update! Here is a pic of the cage now! and a pic of the male and female.
  8. M

    creating my first false bottom- help!

    Awesome thank you! Soon as I get landscape fabric I'll be redoing the cage then. thank you! Where'd you get springtails and isopods?
  9. M

    creating my first false bottom- help!

    I have a 2 pound bag of expanded clay balls made by zoomed. So I put a layer on the bottom and landscape cloth over it? then the soil? Can I use potting soil or does it have to ABG type soil? I am planning on growing some very basic plants in here, nothing fancy. Appreciate the help.
  10. M

    creating my first false bottom- help!

    Hi, I have an 18x18x24 exoterra that I'm looking to make a false bottom so I can plant live plants. I've ordered 10 quarts of Josh's Frog's ABG mix already. What else do I need/ should I do? Or if there is a link to a page here that shows me how that would be appreciated. Pics too! thanks.
  11. M

    pygmy chameleon breeding pair- newbie questions

    Seeing those makes me realize how many changes I need to make. what are some easy growing plant species you'd recommend? and what should I change the substrate to? Should I grow the plants right into the substrate? I only used the cocohusk because it was just some extra stuff I had laying...
  12. M

    pygmy chameleon breeding pair- newbie questions

    pics of setup and chameleons Here's a pic of the set up. I'm adding more vines and a mister tomorrow. Also included are a pic of the male and female. I appreciate the help! You said a basking spot is not necessary, so should I just remove the 60watt bulb all together? Then there would only be...
  13. M

    pygmy chameleon breeding pair- newbie questions

    Hi everyone- Today on a whim I picked up a 1.1 pair of pygmy chameleons. I don't know the exact species, but they look just like every other pygmy I've seen and kind of have a horizontal line running down their sides. They're set up in an 18''x18''x24'' zoomed with a 60 watt bulb and a uv bulb...
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