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  1. S

    Veiled Chameleon Sleeping alot

    My room gets pretty cold at night so this winter I've turned it on if it is like below 50. I have exo terra day and night heat bulbs. And a 18in UVB light. Yes she has a laying bin. I will post pictures asap.
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    Veiled Chameleon Sleeping alot

    Hi I have a year old female veiled chameleon who started sleeping a lot more. She used to be awake and moving around before I came to check on her in the morning but lately she has seemed more sluggish and today she was still asleep when I went to turn on her light. I've had her since she was a...
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    What's wrong with my Flap Neck?

    Thank you so much for your help :)
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    one eye closed please help (with pictures)

    I'm having the same problem with my Flap Neck right now :( if I get any good advice I'll send it your way! I hope you find a solution :)
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    What's wrong with my Flap Neck?

    She has not shed.
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    What's wrong with my Flap Neck?

    I do not give it to her every time but if I should only be giving it to her a couple of times a mounth then I've probably been giving it to her to much. I do keep my basking bulb in the corner, should I lower the branches or change to a diffrent bulb? What bulb do you suggest? Is there anything...
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    What's wrong with my Flap Neck?

    She's Captive Breed. She seems more lethargic lately.
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    What's wrong with my Flap Neck?

    For some reason I can't get the pictures to post :(
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    What's wrong with my Flap Neck?

    What's CB and WC? She's a 4 or 5 mounts old female Flap Neck. I've had her for almost a month. She loves coming out and is handled a couple times everyday. I feed her as many crickets as she will eat. Which is either 2 or 3, twice a day. Once around noon. And again later in the evening. I...
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    What's wrong with my Flap Neck?

    My Flap Neck Chameleon keeps closing her right eye. I've looked at some other posts but I'm still not sure what I should do. I've had a lot of others reptiles but she's my first chameleon. I got her a few weeks ago. She's like 4 or 5 months old. She lives in a 16 by 16 by 30 screen cage. I feed...
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