What's wrong with my Flap Neck?


New Member
My Flap Neck Chameleon keeps closing her right eye. I've looked at some other posts but I'm still not sure what I should do. I've had a lot of others reptiles but she's my first chameleon. I got her a few weeks ago. She's like 4 or 5 months old. She lives in a 16 by 16 by 30 screen cage. I feed her crickets, but the last few days she hasn't had much of an appetite. Anyone know how much she should be eating?? I'm really worried about her. Last night she fell asleep on my fingers. Oh and sometimes she will rub her eye on my hand. Does anyone know what might be wrong? And how I can fix it?
Welcome to the forums. I'm sorry to hear about the problem you are having with your girl. Where did you get her? Is she CB or WC? The first thing I always try for eye problems is nice long warm mistings. Sleeping in the day in not a good sign. Please fill out the health form linked below and post some photos of your girl and her enclosure.
What's CB and WC?
She's a 4 or 5 mounts old female Flap Neck. I've had her for almost a month.
She loves coming out and is handled a couple times everyday.
I feed her as many crickets as she will eat. Which is either 2 or 3, twice a day. Once around noon. And again later in the evening. I gut load the crickets by feeding them different fruits.
I use Flukers calcium with Vitamin d3.
She has two drippers. One just drips and the other drips onto some leaves. She seems to like to drink it straight from the dripper. I always make sure that I see her drink. I mist her cage 2-3 times a day.
Her poop is brown and there this other little part that is yellow/white.
She has never been tested for parasites. (At least not to my knowledge)
She's is a 16 by 16 by 30 inch screen cage.
She has an 18 inch zilla tropical UVB bulb. And a heat lamp. I turn the lights on at 8am and turn them off at 10pm.
The cage floor is 65-70 and the basking spot is 85-95. The lowest overnight temp has been about 60. I have a temp gauge. The humidity is 50-70%. I have a exoterra humidity gauge.
Right now she only has fake plants.
Her cage is in my room, not high traffic and not by any fans or air vents. The top of her cage is about 5feet from the ground.
Are you using the Flukers calcium with Vitamin d3 at every feeding ? It might be way too much Vitamin D - you need plain calcium no D - and D only about 2 times a month.
I keep my basking a little lower also - I just moved mine yesterday to a bigger cage but in her small one I kept the basking to one corner so she could bask at various temps as there's not a lot of information on temps for flapnecks- If she has been getting D in every feeding switch to plain calcium and try and get her to drink as much as possible -
I do not give it to her every time but if I should only be giving it to her a couple of times a mounth then I've probably been giving it to her to much. I do keep my basking bulb in the corner, should I lower the branches or change to a diffrent bulb? What bulb do you suggest? Is there anything else I can try??
My basking is a little lower and I do notice that she likes to go lower in the cage - I just use a regular "daylight bulb" and change the wattage to get the temps lower or higher as need be -
I'm not sure on what your UVB light is is it 10.0 or 5.0 if it's a 10.0 you might want to raise it a bit from the screen - or switch to a 5.0 till he gets a little older - or is in a bigger cage -
Has she shed lately? She may have skin in her eye, at least I hope that's all that's wrong with her
Well from my experience in this with the lethargic chams .. try vitamin A , give her a drop in her mouth everyday for 3 to 4 days and see if that perks her up. you can get the gel capsules at wal mart or wal greens or local heath store. Hope this helps!
I think your problem is too much D - I wouldn't go the other way with A - but that being said too much D works against A - get plain calcium without the D-

There's was a discussion on giving A in another thread also on eye problems. It scares me when someone who's posted once gives advice but I've also seen people who've only posed a couple of times who know far more than I do and have way more experience.
I don't know if you read this thread yet looking for answers ?

keep in mind this quote
Vitamin A is toxic in large quantities.

What's good for a full grown panther may not work well in a flapneck - my panther weighs at least 10 times as much as my flapneck - I hope you'll be fine with just cutting out the D and checking your UVB light - I think you have a 10.0 instead of a 5.0 which with your small cage I would back off from the screen until she gets a little older - or make sure she has enough area where she can get out of the light -
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