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  1. lovedlea

    need experienced help w/veiled in Dallas area

    I've already posted on the boards and gotten help that way. I'm looking for someone who can physically be here to help. Thanks.
  2. lovedlea

    need experienced help w/veiled in Dallas area

    My fiance and I just recently bought 3 chameleons, and more recently lost two of them. I was wondering if there's anyone in the Dallas area who has a lot of experience with veiled chameleons who can help us make sure we're taking care of our boy right so we don't lose him too. Things like...
  3. lovedlea

    Chameleon needs a new home

    I would post this in the sale forum, but I don't have access yet. Basically my fiance bought 3 chameleons a month ago, we did everything the pet stores told us to, even took one to the vet when she looked ill (and was told she was fine a week before she died). But we lost two in the last week...
  4. lovedlea

    help! sickly veiled

    She/the cage has been sprayed regularly since the mister broke. The humidity has been kept in safe levels. I was told there's nothing you can do about tail necrosis. Our boy had it when we bought him and the vet said there's nothing you can do. (Again, same vet that I'm not sure knows what he's...
  5. lovedlea

    help! sickly veiled

    I'm mostly going off what I've read on here from looking up similar problems other people have had. That's all I can think to do right now. I'm doing everything I can possibly imagine would help. I haven't tried showering her yet, though as I'm not sure exactly how or what temp etc etc.
  6. lovedlea

    help! sickly veiled

    No idea. She was acting the way Ellie is acting now (except her eyes weren't sunken like Ellie's) and I took her to the vet. The vet said she was fine & to force feed her. I did. Woke up a few days ago and she was dead. I don't know what to do about Ellie though, since the vet didn't save my...
  7. lovedlea

    help! sickly veiled

    As stated before, the cages are in different rooms. The male is healthy and doesn't seem to be experiencing the problems the females experienced.
  8. lovedlea

    help! sickly veiled

    As I said above, she was put in with the male when she was receptive colors (yellow/blue) and taken out when she was no longer receptive colors. I have no idea if they mated or tried, but she's not gravid. The other chameleon never went near the male. We've had all 3 for a month, the other...
  9. lovedlea

    help! sickly veiled

    I totally forgot to mention that I checked her for eggs (felt around her tummy) and she's not ready yet. But we are getting her a laying bin soon.
  10. lovedlea

    help! sickly veiled

    Album with pics of Ellie & her cage set up.
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  20. Ellie


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