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  1. C

    jacksons chameleon

    lol I saw Godzilla to
  2. C

    jacksons chameleon

    Ok, Thanks
  3. C

    jacksons chameleon

    How do I tell if my juvenile jax in hungry?
  4. C

    Please help, urgent

    Okay, there is nothing you can do until you go to the vet. The vet may have to do surgery. Unless YOUR a vet... Nothing you can do. This happened to me, I took her to the vet immediately and he got fixed and was fine. Hopefully Your cham is okay.
  5. C

    Juvinile Jacksons Problem

    Awesome! Thanks
  6. C

    Juvinile Jacksons Problem

    I change the bulb and now its 79 F My cham is 3 months old.
  7. C

    Juvinile Jacksons Problem

    If I don't take care of it... Will he die? thanks
  8. C

    Juvinile Jacksons Problem

    Wait... Never mind its just like 1 eye is actually closed. The other one is fine
  9. C

    Juvinile Jacksons Problem

    Hello, ive had my Jacksons chameleon for 1 week now, he seems to be doing fine. He is drinking, eating, ect. But SOMETIMES he sleeps during the day. its almost like he is just very bored. I don't know what to do... The temp is about 86 degress F. Please Help
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