jacksons chameleon

At his age, you should let him eat as much as he wants twice a day. He may eat as much as a dozen small crickets or worms a day. This time is critical for his overall growth and long-term health, so it's very important that he gets plenty to eat and drink. Try to control the insects somewhat - you don't want loose crickets in his cage overnight.
At his age, you should let him eat as much as he wants twice a day. He may eat as much as a dozen small crickets or worms a day. This time is critical for his overall growth and long-term health, so it's very important that he gets plenty to eat and drink. Try to control the insects somewhat - you don't want loose crickets in his cage overnight.

Ok, Thanks
Juvie jax are always hungry.

When my jax were young, I put a cup of blue bottle fly larve in the cage with a lid on top, and a hole in the side. As the flys hatch, they come out the hole and into the cage.
Durring the day, when I am not home, this gave them something to snack on, then I would feed them their normal dinner when I came home from work.

It's very important to keep jax hydrated with high RH, and a rain system usually works better then a automated misting system to stimulate them to drink.
Dehydration in jax is one of the most common health issues.

If you have a method for giving him water, and you see him drinking, that is very good. But they can be stuborn drinkers.
Glad to see so many recent posts about Jacksons on here lately. Glad more and more keepers are choosing to keep these beautiful docile reptiles. The more people that keep them, the more we can learn and share what we know. :)
OT, but a male jax has a 'cameo' appearence in the new (US) Godzilla movie :D

I know lots of people saw the movie and said... 'Ooo, cool, what is that"??!!
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