The 2 pgymies I have are WC- so I do not know their age. Based on what you say, I think I'll continue to maintain them in separate enclosures. I see you live in the UK. Perhaps you have greater access to cb. I live in the US and and am new to pygmy chameleons. I'd like to find a cb...
Those interested in seeing this process, it's in the general photography forum titled "pygmy shedding time lapse" - posted 10/5/12- by ferretinmyshoes .
Thanks Johnny- Interesting to hear they do better separately. I was told they like to be in groups. I take it you had some experience with chameleons. I did just find a time lapse series of photos of a pygmy shedding. The poster said the whole process took a couple of hours. Jan
Thanks for this picture post. I just posted about my pygmy shedding process- looks just like your photos. I was wondering how long the process takes. You answered my question!
I have had 2 female pygmy chameleons in 2 separate enclosures for 2 months now. They have been doing very well. One of them appears to be shedding her entire skin. It looks like white ruffles on her entire body. Is this normal shedding? I have been thinking about putting them together...
I am new to chameleons. I have 2 wild caught pygmy chameleons that I've had for 2 months now in a terrarium. So far they are doing quite well. However, a couple of challenges that I have found along the way include keeping a supply of appropriate size crickets on hand. My local pet...
I am interested in purchasing pinhead size crickets. I can't get them locally and I'm not interested in raising crickets. Any recommendations for online companies?
also concerned
Just received 2 leaf chameleons from same place. I noticed much more activity yesterday right after I got them yesterday. I have them in 2 separate enclosures. I notice less activity on the part of one of them today and white spots on her body. I think I'll put a call...
I will be receiving 2 pygmy chameleons from the same source. Should each pygmy be placed in a separate enclosure or can they both be put in the same vivarium?
I'll email a pic to you Trace. It was taken with my ipad and not great quality. I can try to take more pictures of them later. However, I have put them in their new home and don't what to disturb them right now.
Yes Chris - it was handled well. For my purposes, I am not planning on breeding and selling. Ultimately the species has little meaning to me. I wanted the R Kerstenii, because I liked the way they looked and the fact that they could deal with with a less humid environment. Since I'm new to...