I'm at a loss here. I've added in so many branches and vines in and he doesn't even use them. Climbs from basking spot down the screen to the bottom of the cage, sits there, climbs back up the screen and basks again. He has so many zones he can go hide out to to regulate temps, he just doesn't...
Okay thanks, I appreciate it. I attached a pic just to show how my set up is. If you look closely I have Exo Terra vines that weave around plants for little "safe zones" when he doesn't want to be viewed. Maybe I need more vertical branches? But at this point it'd be such a pain to move stuff...
Anyone ever have this issue where you spend a ton of money making a killer set up for your little dude with all the humidity pockets, shaded areas, a nice bask zone and perches out the wazoo but your lil guy decides he wants to climb the screen instead?
Seriously he's done this to me his whole...
Since I've had my little guy I noticed he has some unusual white "scratches" on his body and what looks like maybe burnt skin around his left eye. I posted pics. Any help appreciated, thanks.
Thanks for the replies! Any enclosure brands you guys would recommend? I'll work on getting him a new one asap. Tough trying to keep the humidity up higher I work 12hr days so I fall behind but I'm going to be getting a mistking soon. I'll get him some more vertical stuff too.
Your Chameleon - The species, sex, and age of your chameleon. How long has it been in your care? Male veiled chameleon, about a month old
Handling - How often do you handle your chameleon? Not often. Only had him for a week. Twice to set up cage
Feeding - What are you feeding your cham? What...