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  1. unspokn

    New member, New DIY cage.

    I've been misting twice a day and check the carpet underneath the enclosure every time and there is no moisture getting onto the carpet ( tested with a moisture meter, I work in the restoration industry and have them readily available). I did get some on the wall behind it but had to spray...
  2. unspokn

    New member, New DIY cage.

    Here's a couple more pics from this afternoon... The hibiscus is looking pretty pathetic but it does have really cool flowers!
  3. unspokn

    New member, New DIY cage.

    Thank you so much! I drew inspiration from others on this site as well as making do with what materials I had on hand and from the repurposed DIY cage I got on Craigslist. If you need any pointers just ask.
  4. unspokn

    New member, New DIY cage.

    Thank you! I plan to add some more structure... I haven't decided if I am going to use the branches from outside or use artificial ones. I will update when it is done.
  5. unspokn

    New member, New DIY cage.

    Good news on my humidity concern! After a few days the humidity dropped and has stayed at 50%. I misted last night for about a minute and it only went up to 55%. This is exciting for me because that puts me one step closer to ordering our Cham. However, the shock from moving the Hibiscus...
  6. unspokn

    New DIY Cage

    For the sticks... use push pins or thumb tacks. For the mister tube...some people let it mist through the screen while others make a small hole to run the tube through. I plan to use the later method. I have a small hole right now for my drippers tube.
  7. unspokn

    New member, New DIY cage.

    I plan too. I still have some time to gather materials and supplies. My family and I will be traveling a lot during the holidays so we wont be getting our new friend until after Christmas.
  8. unspokn

    Heat at night

    Step one... Move the viv to main house. Step two... Remove girlfriend from entire house. Only joking!!! All I have read has stated that heating pads, ceramic heaters, heat rocks, etc. are all bad. You may want to look into insulating the space and adding several space heaters depending on how...
  9. unspokn

    New member, New DIY cage.

    I will look, thanks. I have rocks for the plants, just haven't put them in yet. I wanted to get the plants in there and make sure everything I wanted in there would fit before I added the extra weight of the rocks. I do have a question... The initial humidity reading was at 80% and held there...
  10. unspokn

    New member, New DIY cage.

    Thank you all for the kind words... Here are some more photos of the cage painted and with plants put in. Let me know what you think. I'm not really happy with the grow light hanging over but I am having a hard time finding affordable 3' light fixtures. It will have to do for now.
  11. unspokn

    New member, New DIY cage.

    Got some more work done while the site was down. Installed the floor and drainage. I also got the cage sealed and painted. I will get those photos tonight.
  12. unspokn

    New member, New DIY cage.

    I have not used it yet. I think you may be right. However, the drain is down pretty far. It is hard to tell in the picture. It was easy to make so I won't be too hard on myself if it doesn't work out.
  13. unspokn

    New member, New DIY cage.

    Worked on my feeder cup yesterday. I took a few cues from another member. I am pretty happy with how it turned out.
  14. unspokn

    New member, New DIY cage.

    I am planning to paint it. I have some silicone sealant as well that I plan on using. I know what you mean about wanting to build another. I have already started gathering supplies for an outdoors one for my deck. I have a few months before that is even a reality though.
  15. unspokn

    New to chameleons and the forum

    I've been through both threads. That is what prompted me to go the custom route. There are some really cool enclosures on here and some pretty inventive people.
  16. unspokn

    New member, New DIY cage.

    Yes and thank you for the kind words. I have a sheet of 1/8" plastic that I am using for the floor. I plan to drill small holes in the center and have it drain into a bucket. That will be the last step in the build process.
  17. unspokn

    New member, New DIY cage.

    I had the same concerns with the branches from the woods. Searching for answers I've found that if they are dead branches and have been rinsed with boiling water, they should be pretty save. Someone correct me if I am wrong. I have stripped any loose bark off as well.
  18. unspokn

    New member, New DIY cage.

    Hello all! I introduced myself in another thread but I figured I would document my project here. I am new to all of this but have been doing my research. I picked up someone else's DIY cage from CL for free and it was large. It was 4' tall, 4' wide and 3' deep with another 18 or so inches of...
  19. unspokn

    New to chameleons and the forum

    Thank you for the links to your Chams and the info! Yours are beautiful. These truly are amazing creatures. I was shocked at the wealth of information and how helpful everyone is here. I am sure I will have tons of questions as I go. For now I am most concerned with creating the proper...
  20. unspokn

    New to chameleons and the forum

    Hello everyone one! I have been lurking around here for a while now gathering up information and decided it was time to introduce myself. I bought a DIY cage a few weeks ago and it was huge. I have rebuilt it down to the size I wanted and will house a veiled when I am ready. I have a few live...
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