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  1. K

    Help! My chameleon is always dark..

    Thank you guys for your help, I'm going to get him a better cage today!!
  2. K

    Help! My chameleon is always dark..

    But there are two separate bulbs not one bulb
  3. K

    Help! My chameleon is always dark..

    Oh wow okay thank you! When I got him at the store she had him in a tiny tank actually with another smaller chameleon so I thought this was okay? But I will get a bigger one!! Thanks so much
  4. K

    Help! My chameleon is always dark..

    Thank you for your help:)
  5. K

    Help! My chameleon is always dark..

    I get he's absorbing heat but I'm thinking he's like that all the time cause he's not getting enough of it or something? He's not like that when I take him outside and it's 95? As you can tell I don't know too much yet. Well that's good he's older. But thanks for the nail comment lol
  6. K

    Help! My chameleon is always dark..

    Is this even a week old? I was just assuming
  7. K

    Help! My chameleon is always dark..

    Maybe it's because he's not warm enough is what I'm thinking.. Cuz the UVB and heat come from one light source. And the heat bulb is quite small
  8. K

    Help! My chameleon is always dark..

    It's a veiled! He's also green when I take him out but slowly turns dark when I put him back.
  9. K

    Help! My chameleon is always dark..

    Hello, I am a new owner of a chameleon. He seems to be about a week or so old, I'm not too positive. I have him in a 10 gallon tank but I plan on going to a bigger more ventilated space when he gets bigger. I have a dripper a heat and UVB source (they are both in the same light) I have various...
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