Help! My chameleon is always dark..


New Member
Hello, I am a new owner of a chameleon. He seems to be about a week or so old, I'm not too positive. I have him in a 10 gallon tank but I plan on going to a bigger more ventilated space when he gets bigger. I have a dripper a heat and UVB source (they are both in the same light) I have various areas where he can climb. I mist 3 times a day, I also make sure the temp is between 72-80 and the humidity is 50-80. So why is my chameleon always dark? He's bright at night but during the day he's either brown or jet black. Is he too hot/cold? Is he just stressed? Plz help! I know he's green in the pic but he normally isn't.
It's very hard to keep one that young. It may need a higher temp. I keep my panther at 85 in the day and the it will drop no lower than 72 at night when his lights are off
He's bright at night but during the day he's either brown or jet black.
When the chameleon go to sleep ,the pajama color are usually lighter then when he is awake....
What type of cham is he/she ??
One week old is very sensitive with the temperature,can u post a pic so everyone can see.
It's a veiled! He's also green when I take him out but slowly turns dark when I put him back.


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Maybe it's because he's not warm enough is what I'm thinking.. Cuz the UVB and heat come from one light source. And the heat bulb is quite small
I get he's absorbing heat but I'm thinking he's like that all the time cause he's not getting enough of it or something? He's not like that when I take him outside and it's 95? As you can tell I don't know too much yet. Well that's good he's older. But thanks for the nail comment lol
I get he's absorbing heat but I'm thinking he's like that all the time cause he's not getting enough of it or something? He's not like that when I take him outside and it's 95? As you can tell I don't know too much yet. Well that's good he's older. But thanks for the nail comment lol
Use a digital temperature probe the basking spot n other places in the enclosure,you can find the guidelines in this link....under temperature.

Im glad u like the pretty white nail comment.:)
Welcome! You should read the care sheets in here for a veiled. There's tons of great ino on this site to read :)
Usually mercury vapor bulbs, which are combination bulbs, are often no lower than 65 watts. They also put out a lot of heat which he doesn't need in a 10 gallon tank. He desperately needs a larger cage. He's already 5-8 months oldo and should have a 2ftx2ftx4ft cage.
Oh wow okay thank you! When I got him at the store she had him in a tiny tank actually with another smaller chameleon so I thought this was okay? But I will get a bigger one!! Thanks so much
Imo tanks are for fish...
He may just be stressed out because he's close to the ground all the time with little to no possibility to hide.
You can best get him the (mesh) enclose he's gonna need when he's grown up right now since he will grow fast enough with the right care.
Also sizes in the care sheets often are minimum sizes, not recommended sizes... Because... you know... recommended often is go as big as you can go :)
Set him up with good UVB lighting and a nice basking spot. Feed him a good variety of insects.

Read the caresheet linked above and you should be well on your way.(y)
Just keep in mind that keeping reptiles isn't the cheapest hobby you can get so you should be willing to spend a buck.
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