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  1. Nicholerose99

    Male Vs Female Veiled Chameleon.

    Ok thank you!
  2. Nicholerose99

    Male Vs Female Veiled Chameleon.

    you don't think she would until she's done shedding though would she?
  3. Nicholerose99

    Male Vs Female Veiled Chameleon.

    I talked to old owners, they said she is a year old, but they only had her 3 months, so they never knew for sure gender. When would I expect her to lay eggs? And what all do I need to do? Both of our other reptiles are males so I have no clue
  4. Nicholerose99

    Male Vs Female Veiled Chameleon.

    That actually makes me happy <3 i've wanted a girl, we got her from someone on our town's swap page and they knew nothing about chameleons and therefore weren't taking very good care of her so we got her and was told she was a he and we were stuck with two boys, I was a little sad. Now we have a...
  5. Nicholerose99

    Male Vs Female Veiled Chameleon.

    Paschal looks like your female, the owners before me had Paschal for a few months and I didn't think they were right in saying male
  6. Nicholerose99

    Male Vs Female Veiled Chameleon.

    Those are the best pics I can get right now because he/she is asleep (and also shedding) back legs by Nicholerose99 posted Nov 21, 2016 at 2:13 PM back legs by Nicholerose99 posted Nov 21, 2016 at 2:13 PM
  7. back legs

    back legs

  8. back legs

    back legs

  9. Nicholerose99

    Male Vs Female Veiled Chameleon.

    I have a Jackson's chameleon that we were easily able to sex, but we aren't really sure how to sex a veiled, we think ours we just got might not be a male like the people said, what ways are there to tell in a 1 year old other than the "bump" under their tail? I recently heard about spurs that...
  10. Nicholerose99

    Calcium Deposit Help

    Thank you! They gave him to us in bad shape but we plan to get him back to health! We aren't giving up on him.
  11. Nicholerose99

    Chameleon with a MBD from lack of care (previous owner's doing)

    Yeah the water bowls were what they had in there, I took them out after we got him, that picture was when we got him.
  12. Nicholerose99

    Chameleon with a MBD from lack of care (previous owner's doing)

    I have the calcium (it's pure calcium the vet gave us) the people before us never made him chase the food always hand fed him so I have to try and strengthen his tongue so he can catch it.
  13. Nicholerose99

    Calcium Deposit Help

    Just told us to take him to vet in town to drain the Abcess, then monday we are going to their specialist to give us everything we need to help with the MBD and give him a little checkup to see if anything else is wrong with him
  14. Nicholerose99

    Calcium Deposit Help

    He looked at it from a different angle and lighting and such, he said it was an Abcess after he looked at it in person, he has drained it and gave us the drops to put on it to keep it from being infected while it heals.
  15. Nicholerose99

    Chameleon with a MBD from lack of care (previous owner's doing)

    cage tempature is about 70 right now and he has vines and such, i was about to delete this because he ate earlier, i was told by vet to force feed him one and see what he does after i force fed him one he ate two more worms with ease. And I let him come out of cage and he was crawling everywhere...
  16. Nicholerose99

    Chameleon with a MBD from lack of care (previous owner's doing)

    I've made a post about his bump before but now we know for sure he has MBD and we are taking him monday to a reptile only vet, they told us make sure he is eating and drinking until then, however he hasn't eaten in the three days we've had him, however he is constantly drinking (which I found...
  17. Close up on his limbs :(

    Close up on his limbs :(

  18. Nicholerose99

    Calcium Deposit Help

    I don't know specifically chameleons since he has multiple locations and he's an all animals doctor, i know he's dealt with reptiles, we are going for the full checkup later today though. I just really hope we can undo the damage his previous owners have done.
  19. Nicholerose99

    Calcium Deposit Help

    Yeah we thought that too, apparently the owner we got him from took very poor care of him, he hasn't had uvb in about 3 months because they never had one on him so we've gotten him a big one and it's on him and he's been on the top part of cage right by light :(
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