Chameleon with a MBD from lack of care (previous owner's doing)


New Member
I've made a post about his bump before but now we know for sure he has MBD and we are taking him monday to a reptile only vet, they told us make sure he is eating and drinking until then, however he hasn't eaten in the three days we've had him, however he is constantly drinking (which I found out previous owner didn't know they had to mist or drip they gave him a small water bowl that he never drank from. Also, he's sat in the same spot since yesterday morning, not even slightly moving and when I try to feed him (he's only ever eaten crickets and meal worms the couple said) i've tried crickets, roaches, and super worms and he won't even attempt to eat. What do I do? Should I try to make him eat or wait until Monday?

(also the right leg that you can see is most affected from the mbd shakes really bad and he cant grab anything too well, keeps slipping and almost falling should I move him lower so he doesn't?)
What is ur cage temperature looklike?supplement schedule??
Did u find any poops in the cage?
Any vine or plant for him to climb without difficulties?
What is ur cage temperature looklike?supplement schedule??
Did u find any poops in the cage?
Any vine or plant for him to climb without difficulties?

cage tempature is about 70 right now and he has vines and such, i was about to delete this because he ate earlier, i was told by vet to force feed him one and see what he does after i force fed him one he ate two more worms with ease. And I let him come out of cage and he was crawling everywhere and i put him back in and he moved around and such. I guess he just needed a break out for a bit and a little encouragement
Im glad he is moving around now,dust all the feeder with calcium without D3 daily,and see if he will eat on his own next time without stressful force feeding.
Im glad he is moving around now,dust all the feeder with calcium without D3 daily,and see if he will eat on his own next time without stressful force feeding.
I have the calcium (it's pure calcium the vet gave us) the people before us never made him chase the food always hand fed him so I have to try and strengthen his tongue so he can catch it.
Try add some horizontal branch or vine in the middle ,and ditch the water bowls....more space to climb on n less bacteria feeding ground on the floor.
I have the calcium (it's pure calcium the vet gave us) the people before us never made him chase the food always hand fed him so I have to try and strengthen his tongue so he can catch it.
I understand,maybe a feeder cup to cup feed him will help.
Try add some horizontal branch or vine in the middle ,and ditch the water bowls....more space to climb on n less bacteria feeding ground on the floor.
Yeah the water bowls were what they had in there, I took them out after we got him, that picture was when we got him.
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