Search results

  1. W

    Petsmart Coupons... Great Deal

    When I went they took my coupons and said they were a scam.
  2. W

    Petsmart Coupons... Great Deal

    I went to petsmart this morning to use these cupons and they told me that these cupons were not good. I would edit this post and remove them ASAP.
  3. W

    Petsmart Coupons... Great Deal

    Sweet, Thanks
  4. W

    poison dart frogs...

    Check out these. They are my favorite.
  5. W

    poison dart frogs...

    Check out They have everything including a great forum. I have 19 frogs in 5 different tanks and 5 different species. Sorry no pictures for now. I will be happy to answer any questions you might have. Van 0.0.5 Powder Blues 1.2 Green and Bronze 1.1 Cholocate leuc 0.0.5...
  6. W


    I used aluminum window screening. Crickets will chew through the stuff that is not metal.
  7. W


    I used hot glue
  8. W

    Please vote for my dog

    you got my vote also.
  9. W

    Cage Bottom - Wood or Screen or What?

    cage bottom I am fairly new to this forum and building screen cages but I used a rubber liner like the stuff they use in fish ponds.(I have a Koi farm) First I made a frame out of treated lumber about 1 &1/2 inches thick and stapled the rubber to it and then I used finish nails to attach my...
  10. W

    Is this plant safe

    Hello all, This is my first post so be kind. I purchased a codiaeum variegatum for my soon to be here baby nosy be. I did not see it on the safe list but do you think it will be ok? Thanks Van
  11. W

    Giant African land snails

    snails I want some also
  12. W

    Dubia roaches for sale

    Roaches I got my roaches today. Thank you very much. Now all I need ts my Nosy Be's that should be in next week.
  13. W

    camera 4 sale.

    camera is this still available? Send me more information. Van
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