Lol I’m very late on responding but baby crickets don’t look like crickets at all I only know this cause I had a cricket breeding box and there were a ton flying around I asked a bug man when he came to my house and he said they were baby crickets.
Those gnat looking bugs are most likely baby crickets after they’ve already become larvae. A lot of people don’t know but very small crickets fly and look like gnats.
No my veiled chameleon is only 13 inches and he’s over 2 years now, they can’t always be big haha although he has a weird looking veil has the top ever been surgeically removed
my chameleon had a GIANT poop I had fed it a lot of crickets like 20 because he was starting to look a bit skinny.... well not anynore. Does anyone think it has a parasite or is it ok.. he seems to have brighter colors and doesn’t seem unhealthy at all as if it flushed everything out. Please...
Also I HIGHLY doubt Petco is the only pet store near you, turn on location services and type pet stores near me I think you may be surprised of all the places you didn’t know excited in your town
Honestly seeing her on the ground in that cage isn’t a very big surprise. Nobody here was trying to be rude they all really care for chameleons. If that’s the only cage you can have right now (which I’m not sure why) You should add a TON of branches with vines but the chameleon can’t stay in...