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  1. Scarface24

    Does my chameleon look healthy

    Hi she ok just getting ready to shed?
  2. Scarface24

    New Veiled Chameleon!

    I used to have the compact uvb but when I started posting on here about it ppl told me it's very bad for I upgraded to t5 ho pro best think let of so much more uvb.. go get one
  3. Scarface24

    Sleeping with head up

    No that fine mine sleep like that I think it's cool how he hangs on
  4. Scarface24

    Pretty sure my Chameleon's front left leg is broken, Is this MBD?

    Poor little guy I just got my chameleon a new t5 6% look up arcadia pro t5 kit I think it's a good unit?
  5. Scarface24

    Is something wrong?

    60 or over is ok for them at night as there are cold blood reptiles so don't think he will be cold? there don't always hide mine is out and about all day. and at night he go fine some were to sleep like he little plant or just on the side of he cage depends on him good luck
  6. Scarface24

    Chameleon HELP

    Hi she looks like she may have something called mb Hi she looks like she may have something called MBD I wood take her to a vet if was you?
  7. Scarface24

    Is something wrong?

    Hi just reading your post nice chameleon by the way just a little tip as I'm all so new to keeping a chameleon this forums has people that have had chameleons for a long time and will give you lost of help? But I do no chameleons don't need heat at night as there like it a bit cold at night as...
  8. Scarface24

    Came Home from Work & My Chameleon was stuck

    It's once or twice month to much calum with d3 is not good for them?
  9. Scarface24

    New uvb light for my chameleon mad by arcadia wow what a big difference from the coil bulb

    New uvb light for my chameleon mad by arcadia wow what a big difference from the coil bulb
  10. Scarface24

    Growth on his face

    how long have you had him was it like that when you got him?
  11. Scarface24


    He not had it for long today was the first time of seeing it up to now he been ok?
  12. Scarface24


    Sorry don't take it the wrong way I thank you for your help and all the info your telling me my greatfull I don't live in a area with unfiltered sunlight as it winter time so i will look in to getting him some new lightning thanks again?
  13. Scarface24


    why do u need to See pictures of my cham you no wot a veiled looks like we're are we going with all this?
  14. Scarface24


    Yes that right
  15. Scarface24


    I got no vitamin just calcium wd3 & no d3 calcium with out d3 on every feed and with d3 once a month so I no I been doing well up to now?
  16. Scarface24


  17. Scarface24


    Dome light unit with a 75w bulb in it long with a zoo med light hod with the 5.0 uvb and a dripper all on the outside of cage?
  18. Scarface24


    Yes that right
  19. Scarface24


    It's bigger nuff for him he 9 mouths old
  20. Scarface24


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