Chameleon Enthusiast
Yes that right
I want to see a pic of your veild so I can see how bad the MBD is and if he needs to go to the vet or if he can recover on his own. I don’t see anyone else willing to work through this language barrier so if you think your better off getting help elsewhere, go for it.
Ok you need to start giving a multivitamin 2 times a month but that’s not what’s wrong with your Cham. Your Cham is showing signs of MBD because you are using the wrong UVB bulb. Your veiled needs a 24” 12% T5HO bulb and fixture. Follow this link to one:
Put him under this light and he should stabilize within 1 week and start showing signs of recovery in about 1 month. If possible get him into 1hr of natural, unfiltered sunlight until you can get him the correct lighting.