He can hear her still digging. Thanks MissSkittles for asking these questions.
I’m sorry if people are under the assumption we keep messing with her. She has a sheet over and we have a camera in her cage to watch. I moved her into a 5 gallon bucket after reading a ton and that’s what all...
This time around is stressful! I watered down her bioactive last night so she can dig. And put her into her cage. I just came out of my own surgery and my son text me saying she’s digging a hole and then the hole caved in. He can hear her digging still. Do I have him leave her alone or open the...
She still has eggs in her. and I read in bioactive the critters can hurt the eggs, plus the plants would die Digging up the eggs. The bioactive is about 10”. She’s was in the bucket for 2 days. I put her back into her cage. She wasn’t happy in the bucket at all.
Question. We left her alone and she dug around a lot. She then got out of the 5 gallon bucket and doesn’t want to go back in. We put a screen fish tank lid on to see and she climbed and hung upside down. I checked the soil/sand mix and it’s still forming into good caves. Do I put her back into...
We bred her 25 days ago. She was digging in her cage so we put her in the bucket. It’s a scary yet fun anticipation. She laid infertile eggs in December.